• Driving Near Recently Sprayed Fields Exposes People to Pesticides
  • SNAP Display at Event
  • SNAP Tour of Organic Vegetable Garden
  • Grow a Lush Garden Organically
  • LIving Near Fields Increases Pesticide Exposure
  • Link to SK Organic Resources
  • Learn About Colony Collapse Disorder and How to Protect Bees
  • Learn About Pesticides in Foods
  • Learn To Manage Weeds Without Chemical Pesticides
  • Learn to Keep Insects Out of your Crops


more at http://www.snapinfo.ca/info/wildlife under aquatic communities and links between individual pesticides and cancer., Health/osteoporosisdigestive tract,  children,  Legislation/regulatory/USA, Resistancebody burdens

Increased Accumulation of Disinfectant Chemicals in the Body during the Pandemic Threatens Health, Despite Available Alternatives    (Beyond Pesticides, February 1, 2022) A study published in Environmental Science and Technology finds that concentrations of quaternary ammonium compounds (QUATs or QACs) in the human body have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, raising health and safety concerns. QACs include a variety of chemicals in personal care, pharmaceutical, and medical products used as disinfectants, sanitizers, antimicrobials. However, over the past 70 years, large-scale production and use of these compounds led to accumulation in the environment, including surface water, sediment, and soil. Previously, researchers thought most QACs lack the potential to bioaccumulate,  as the chemicals are highly water-soluble, while dermal and oral absorption rates are low. However, emerging evidence demonstrates that specific QACs bioaccumulate in blood and other body tissues and can cause a range of toxic effects.  The results show 15 out of the 18 QACs are detectable in blood samples, with QAC concentrations significantly higher during the pandemic than prior to it. The main routes of exposure include diet, inhalation, ingestion, or the skin. '

Common Antimicrobial Pesticides Linked to Altered Gut Microbe Function   (Beyond Pesticides, January 25, 2022) Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill identifies how triclosan (TCS), an antimicrobial agent used in many household products, impacts the microbial communities in the gut, causing inflammation. According to the study published in Nature Communications, triclosan worsens the effects of ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), through the retention of harmful bacteria. SNAP Comments: Astounding that no one cosnidered that an antimicrobial pesticide added to commonly used consumer products would have an effect on gut or other bacteria. One has to wonder...' "Health Canada has approved 64 marketed drug products with a DIN that contain triclosan. These are not all hand sanitizers ― some are soaps, hand washes and toothpastes," a Health Canada spokesperson said in an email'. (What happened to triclosan? A lingering legacy of the hyper-hygiene era. Kelly Crowe,CBC, 20 April, 2019)

Pesticides Incorporated into Fabrics and Housewares Are Hazardous, and Not Adequately Regulated  (Beyond Pesticides, December 13, 2021) If you plan to give socks, sweatshirts, or other items of clothing as holiday gifts, you need to be aware that many such items are treated with toxic chemicals. Such treated items may be labeled as “odor free” and may contain nanosilvertriclosan (banned in soaps, but allowed in textile and household products), or other (undisclosed) chemicals hiding behind brand names such as Microban® or FreshIQ. Since it is not always possible to determine which chemical may be used in these textiles, the best option is to buy clothing that is organic or made locally. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exempts treated articles from registration requirements under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). Although the chemicals themselves may be registered antimicrobial pesticides, the treated products in which they are found—and which expose the public to them—are not considered pesticides. Besides clothing treated with antimicrobials to control odors, EPA also allows seeds, wood, paints, cutting boards, sponges, mops, and even toothbrushes to be treated with antimicrobial pesticides under the exemption—as long as claims made for the treatment only pertain to protecting the treated article.  SNAP comment: Although I did not find any Canadian registered products for Triclosan or FreshIQ, there are 3 Microban registered products. The one I checked was registered for adhesives, leather, textiles, paint, floor wax, pulp and paper and many more uses including for post harvest preservation of pears. The reality is that many lines of clothing come from the US so this is relevant..

EPA Threatens Public Health, Waiving Safety Review of Disinfectants To Be Used by American Airlines and Health Care Facilities; Need Questioned while More Uses Expected     (Beyond Pesticides, August 28, 2020) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted “emergency” permission to the State of Texas to allow the use of SurfaceWise®2, an unregistered pesticide, as an anti-viral surface coating.  Beyond Pesticides recognizes the need for protection from transmission of the novel coronavirus, and maintains that it ought to and can be done without exposing people to toxic synthetic pesticides that have not undergone evaluation for safety. See Beyond Pesticides’ guidance on effective and safe precautions against the novel coronavirus.

filed under antibacterials 

Scientists Link Toxic Coronavirus Disinfectant Use to Wild Animal Deaths   (Beyond Pesticides, August 13, 2020) 'An alarming new scientific report finds that excessive, indiscriminate disinfectant use against COVID-19 puts wildlife health at risk, especially in urban settings. The analysis, published in the journal Environmental Research, finds many of the chemical ingredients in disinfectant products are “acutely toxic to both terrestrial and aquatic animals,” causing death following exposure. Additionally, these chemicals have implications for human health as infectious disease specialists at the World Health Organization (WHO) warn excessive disinfectant use can cause respiratory problems, especially for those with underlying respiratory conditions.   “Given that there are no scientific guidelines for the large-scale use of disinfectants in outdoor urban environments, it is crucial to develop strategies to minimize the environmental pollution caused by this practice… An effective biological and environmental safety evaluation and prevention system are required to be put forward for facilitating healthy environments for organisms and biodiversity, especially for managing the future global public health challenges.”'   SNAP Comment: I believe this article refers to widespread outdoor use of disinfectants as has been done in many countries. The risks vary with the disinfectant used  (many listed with side effects). The health effects to humans also occur with indoor or personal use.

Face Masks that Contain Toxic Pesticide Distributed in Tennessee for Coronavirus then Recalled   (Beyond Pesticides, June 3, 2020) 'While wearing a mask is an important practice to help reduce the chance of Covid-19 infection, a mask produced with pesticide-laden material for Tennessee residents has been identified as elevating the virus’ health risks. . The state of Tennessee began last week and then stopped this week providing residents with free face masks made from sock fabric incorporated with antimicrobial silver pesticide. The investigative unit of NewsChannel 5 Nashville uncovered that the masks contain a toxic antimicrobial pesticide. Because of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) interpretation of federal pesticide law, textiles and other materials, typically plastics, infused with toxic antimicrobial substances are not evaluated by the agency for the wide range of exposure patterns associated with the use of these toxic products. In addition, the silver product in the sock material, Silvadur 930 Flex, states on its label that over 99% of product ingredients are “other ingredients” and provides no disclosure on their potential hazards.  Under 40 CFR 156.10(a)(5)(ix) pesticide manufacturers are prohibited from asserting that a pesticide is “safe” without a qualifying phrase such as “when used as directed.” Silver can be absorbed into the lungs, and excessive exposure can cause lung or kidney lesions, according to prior EPA data. Silvadur’s label indicates it causes moderate eye irritation, and instructs those in contact to “wash thoroughly…before eating,drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet.”  'All these products treated with antimicrobials are not regulated by EPA unless they are making a public health claim—under what is known as the “treated article exemption.”'

World Health Organization (WHO) Warns Against Hazards of Toxic Disinfectants   (Beyond Pesticides, May 20, 2020) 'The World Health Organization (WHO) released an updated advisory that warns, “spraying disinfectants can result in risks to the eyes, respiratory or skin irritation and the resulting health effects.”    As Beyond Pesticides writes in its factsheet, Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 (coronavirus) without Toxic Sanitizers and Disinfectants, “Soap breaks down the virus’s fat membrane—and the infectious material falls apart—as long as you rub the soap on your hands for at least 20 seconds.'

Safer Practices and Disinfectants for Coronavirus Identified by CDC, As EPA Advances Toxic Products, Suspends Public Health and Environmental Protections   (Beyond Pesticides, March 27, 2020)    In fact, while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending 70% alcohol for surface disinfection, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs is advising the use of unnecessarily toxic substances, and reducing standards that govern their allowance on the market.   ”Beyond Pesticides, in its factsheet, Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 (coronavirus) without Toxic Sanitizers and Disinfectants, says, “Fight the coronavirus with common sense prevention and safer disinfection products. Avoid products that increase vulnerability to respiratory problems.” (See the factsheet below.) This reference includes a llist of the products to avoid.    To some extent, the expanded allowance of disinfection products on top of the 281 disinfectants previously permitted has been made possible by relaxing oversight on so-called “inert” or other ingredients that are not disclosed on product labels and often highly toxic. The agency says it is allowing the use of these “inerts” with “no significant differences” compared to already-approved ingredients. Since inerts are not disclosed to the public and subject to limited EPA oversight, identifying potential contaminants or hazardous byproducts is critical to determining product safety.'

Triclosan Exposure Linked to Osteoporosis among U.S. Women   (Beyond Pesticides, July 3, 2019) 'A disturbing association between urinary triclosan concentrations and osteoporosis has been identified in an epidemiological study.  The study adds weight to previous laboratory results, which showed that endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as triclosan can interfere with bone metabolism. Triclosan and its byproducts are known endocrine disruptors and have been shown in laboratory studies to interfere with collagen and bone structure. Taken together with previous findings, the new epidemiological results demonstrate that the ubiquitous endocrine disruptor triclosan “could lead to lower BMD benchmark dose and increased prevalence of osteoporosis in U.S. adult women.”

The Dirty Dozen: Triclosan (David Suzuki Foundation, 2019)   'Health Canada’s Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist limits the concentration of triclosan to 0.03 per cent in mouthwashes and 0.3 per cent in other cosmetics. The problem is that triclosan is used in so many products that the small amounts found in each product add up — particularly since the chemical does not readily degrade.' SNAP Comment:  You may find it difficult to buy regular toothpaste that doesn't contain it. You have to seek alternatives. I believe it can be listed under other names too. Another bad player is triclocarbanBoth are registered as pesticides in Canada and the US. How hard it is to get a registered chemical banned!  Where is the balance between improving oral health and loading your body with a toxin hard to get rid of?  from   The 50-Year War Over Toxic Chemical Triclosan 'But the new regulations the FDA is currently proposing, which will become final in 2016, won’t ban triclosan. Instead, they will remove the presumption that triclosan is an effective antibacterial agent. Products labeled “antibacterial” will have to show the FDA evidence that they work better than soap and water.'  'The new regulations won’t touch products that aren’t used with water, like those hand-sanitizing gels. Nor will they affect toothpastes containing triclosan, which most experts agree improve oral health.' 

This common toothpaste ingredient could be wreaking havoc on your gut (Popular Science,  Neel V. Patel, May 31, 2018) SNAP Comment: Triclosan is a registered pesticide in Canada and the US, and likely everywhere. Problems have been identified with triclosan since at least 2011. It builds up in the body and the environment. Canada was to declare triclosan toxic to the environment in 2012. In spite of this, it is still in toothpaste, soap and many other products. Another illustration that our regulatory system is truly designed to allow products to remain on the market as long as possible in spite of the evidence of harm. 

G20 Health Ministers Craft Plan to Address Antimicrobial Resistance   (Beyond Pesticides, May 23, 2017) Health ministers from the G20 nations, the largest advanced and emerging economies, identified Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) as a “current and increasing threat and challenge to global health” and committed the member countries to several actions aimed at reducing the occurrence of AMR.

Levels of Triclosan Spike in Children Following Hand Washing or Tooth Brushing (Beyond Pesticides, June 2, 2017)  The researchers found triclosan in over 70% of samples taken. In the group of 8 year olds, they report that levels were 66% higher in the children that used hand soap. For those that wash their hands over five times a day, the levels increase more than four times in comparison to children who wash their hands once or less per day. For toothpaste, researchers find that children who had brushed their teeth and then been tested within 24 hours had concentrations of triclosan that were 167% higher than those who had not brushed their teeth in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, EPA, which has jurisdiction over non-cosmetic consumer products containing triclosan (microban), continues to allow the use of this hazardous chemical in numerous plastic and textile products, from toys, cutting boards, hair brushes, sponges, computer keyboards to socks and undergarments.  SNAP comment: I believe triclosan and triclocarban have to be listed on labels. Perhaps the product only mentions antibacterials like the shoes I bought last year. I have not been able to find out which anti-bacterial was used. 

FDA toughens stand on antibacterial soap labelling  and FDA Finally Bans the Antibacterial Triclosan in Soaps, While EPA Allows Its Use in Common Household Products and Toys,'Antibacterial ingredients may do more harm than good over the long term,' says FDA medical doctor  (CBC News, Sep 02, 2016)This includes the registered pesticides triclosan and triclocarbanThe FDA statement said that data submitted by the companies about the 19 ingredients wasn't sufficient: "The rule does not affect hand sanitizers or wipes." "Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which has jurisdiction over household products containing triclosan (microban), continues to allow the use of this hazardous chemical in numerous plastic and textile products, from toys, cutting boards, hair brushes, sponges, computer keyboards to socks and undergarments." and it remains in toothpaste!    In the meantime in Canada, we propose a voluntary cut out by industry and "The government will continue to monitor new scientific evidence related to triclosan and will take further action if warranted," André Gagnon said.' This example illustrates how difficult it is to get any registered product off the market in spite of long-standing evidence of harm. 

NGOs support banning triclosan in Canada.  November 27, 2014  Environment and Health Groups' Statement on TriclosanSNAP signed on to the original statement and is also signing the letter of support because no action has yet been taken by the Canadian government. 

Groups’ Petition to Ban Harmful Antibacterial Pesticide Rejected by EPA (Beyond Pesticides, May 15, 2015) ­­­In a response that took over five years, yesterday the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its long-awaited response denying the request to cancel registered products that contain the antibacterial pesticide triclosan, often sold under the trade name microbanThe decision allows this toxic substance to continue to be sold nationwide in common household products, from toys, cutting boards, hair brushes, sponges, computer keyboards to socks and undergarments.The cosmetic uses of triclosan, such as toothpaste and liquid soaps, are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and subject to a separate petition for which there has been no response since its filing in 2005 and again in 2009.

Antibacterial Soap Exposes Health Workers to High Triclosan Levels (Beyond Pesticides, August 21, 2014)

FDA Questioned Triclosan’s Safety in Colgate’s Total Toothpaste in 90′s (Beyond Pesticides, August 19, 2014)

Colgate is the only US toothpaste to still contain triclosan...
FDA questioned safety.

Study Finds Individuals Exposed to Triclosan More Likely to Carry Staph Bacteria (Beyond Pesticides, April 21, 2014) Finding has troubling implications for public health.

Researchers Show Impaired Muscle Function from Antibacterial Chemical, Call on Regulators to Reconsider Consumer Uses (Beyond Pesticides, August 16, 2012) Triclosan hinders muscle contractions at a cellular level, slows swimming in fish, and reduces muscular strength in mice.

Triclosan video (Allison Aiello, PhD).2012 Beyond Pesticides Forum: Pesticides & Health Panel, pt. 4    Triclosan started out being regulated as a pesticide in the US. it is widespread in consumer products. At low levels present, it does not reduce bacteria on hands and evidence indicates users harbour more dangerous resistant bacteria. 

Johnson and Johnson to Phase Out Triclosan, Regulators Remain Unresponsive (Beyond Pesticides, August 17, 2012)

Study Documents Triclosan’s Failure To Kill Bacteria in Hospital Settings  (Beyond Pesticides, March 9, 2011) A recent study reports that the underlying cause of a fatal outbreak of P. aeruginosa in a hospital came from the contamination of triclosan soap dispensers, which acted as a continuous source of the bacterium. see the following action item:

From Yoga Mats to Toothpaste: Tell EPA to ban triclosan by April 8, 2011 Triclosan, found in many consumer products like yoga mats, cosmetics, kitchen utensils and toothpaste is now found in the bodies of 75% of the US population, is linked to hormone disruption, bacterial and antibiotic resistance, dioxin contamination, and contaminated fish and biosolids. Studies this past year show that triclosan can interfere with pregnancy hormones and possibly impact fetal development. This is critical since pregnant women have elevated levels of triclosan in their bodies. Triclosan is also an endocrine disruptor that interferes with the thyroid hormone. Triclosan contaminates our waters, food and accumulates in wildlife.(CANADA: Triclosan is contaminating many of the same consumer products in Canada. Banning it in the U.S. where most are made is one step in getting rid of it in Canada.)   

The scientific literature has extensively linked the uses of triclosan, and its cousin triclocarban, to many health and environmental hazards.


Canada To Declare Triclosan Toxic to Environment (Beyond Pesticides, March 28, 2012) The draft risk assessment finds triclosan to be toxic to the environment but but does not find enough evidence to say it is hazardous to human health.(!) The formal proposal to list the chemical as toxic to the environment will be published Friday...A toxic designation under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act triggers a process to find ways to curtail a chemical’s use, including a possible ban in a range of personal-care products. 


Antibacterial Soap: Do You Need It to Keep Your Home Clean? Antibacterial cleaners don’t work any better than regular ones – and they damage the environment. By Matthew Hoffman, MD Several studies compared people who washed their hands with regular or antibacterial soap. In all but one trial, “there was no difference between groups, either in bacteria on the hands or in rates of illness.” In a single study, people who used antibacterial soap did have fewer bacteria on their hands, but only if they washed for 30 seconds, 18 times a day, for five days straight. Products used in hospital settings are up to10 times more concentrated. By definition, antibacterials kill bacteria, not the viruses responsible for most minor illnesses.