• Driving Near Recently Sprayed Fields Exposes People to Pesticides
  • Weeds Can Be Managed Without Chemical Pesticides
  • SNAP Display at Event
  • Learn About Colony Collapse Disorder and How to Protect Bees
  • LIving Near Fields Increases Pesticide Exposure
  • Learn to Manage Pests Naturally
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  • Learn To Manage Weeds Without Chemical Pesticides

Air Travel

Airplanes are fogged with pesticides during trips to many destinations while the passengers are on board. Updated list of destinations requiring disinsection at the bottom links. US and Canada airline contacts.

It is my understanding that air curtains upon boarding can be successffully used instead of pesticides, and are as efficaceous. (pdf) NonChemical Approaches to aircraft Disinsection

Report of the WHO Ad-hoc Advisory Group on aircraft disinsection for controlling the international spread of vectorborne diseases (WHO/HSE/GCR/2016.12, 21-22 April 2016) Presents the issues and gives the agenda. No discussion results.

Non-chemical Approaches to Aircraft Disinsection International Civil Aviation Organization working paper. 14 September 2007. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. There is concern that aircraft disinsection using pesticides, as required by some countries, can result in discomfort and possible adverse health effects to aircraft crews and passengers. Results of the United States Government research show that the non-chemical aircraft disinsection is a promising alternative to the use of pesticides. In 2004, the ICAO Facilitation Division recommended that ICAO Annex 9, Standard 2.24 be expanded to allow for non-chemical disinsection, and the Assembly adopted Resolution A35-13 calling for ICAO to assist the World Health Organization (WHO) in evaluating nonchemical approaches to aircraft disinsection.  Action: The Assembly is invited to adopt the resolution,

Another issue I was just made aware of is that, in most planes, the air you breathe is coming from the engines and may be contaminated witt organophosphates added to engine oil that way. See aerotoxic syndrome and their facebook page .

Aerotoxic Syndrome: Why You Get Sick While Flying And How To Protect Yourself (Thomas Ropp, Honey Colony,  Nov 4, 2016)  Bleed Air: Why This Happens  The problems began in 1962 when airlines decided to change the way passengers and crew received air. Before 1962, airlines used mechanical air pumps to produce breathing air for passengers and crew. However, according to Hoyte, the pumps were both “unreliable and costly to maintain.” After 1962, airlines decided to use air that bled off the jet’s turbine engines. Why Cabin Air Is Toxic  The oil used in jet turbine engines contains TCP (tricresyl phosphate), belongs to the organophosphate family of chemicals originally designed as nerve agents for warfare, which explains why so many of the aerotoxic symptoms are neurological. In turbines, TCP acts as an anti-wear agent that helps with the extreme temperatures of jet engines. This article also links to symptoms, research, and law suit settements, how to know your flight is toixc,and things you can do. SNAP comment: PCP is not registered as a pesticide in Canada, but it is an organophosphate.

Pesticides on Planes: How Airlines Are Softly Killing Us  (Truthout, 16 June 2015 By Maryam Henein, HoneyColony | Op-Ed) 'How many of you have felt sick following a flight, only to chalk it up to a virus or sinus infection you caught from a fellow passenger? What if I told you, you may have been poisoned by pesticides on the plane without knowing it?' 'According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Civil Aviation Organization, certain aircraft cabins are sprayed with a ‘quick-acting insecticide’ immediately before takeoff, while passengers are on board.' 'Many countries require disinsection of aircrafts from countries with insects that spread disease, such as malaria and yellow fever.' Most spray programs currently use pyrethroids. Has video of airpane spraying while passengers on board. More on health effects of pyrethroids.

Coffee, tea, or...Disinsection? (Alive,November 2009) explains why it is required, pesticieds used, and their health effects.

Disinsection Procedures On Board Aircraft (Canada- Large Air Operators) Transport Canada does not require the disinsection of aircraft arriving in or departing from Canada. However, Canadian registered aircraft must comply with the disinsection requirements of other countries, which means you may be in a contaminated aircraft that has recently flown where disinsecton was required. 2014

Flight Attendant Links Airline Insecticide Use to His Parkinson’s (Beyond Pesticides, December 10, 2013) A former steward for Australian-based Quantas airlines is suing the Australian government claiming that frequent insecticide use in airplane cabins resulted in his Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. Australia is among 49 countries that require pesticide spraying on some or all flights.

Aircraft Disinsection Requirements from the US department of Transportation

Disinsection Policy - Air Canada These are international requirements but some may be seasonal.