Below are the programs we offer, click on each to learn more. To book a program, contact us.
Phil Johnson Organic Gardening, from Regina, also offers organic gardening programs as well as consulting services
Organic Gardening Class (2.5-3 hours)
Organic Gardening Class (2 ½-3 hours) Row covers offer frost and insect protection
Topics: introduction to non-toxic gardening: prevention, good books, products and where to get them, how and when to use
them; natural fertilizers, great vegetable varieties Paule uses, as well as techniques such as planting vegetable beds that work in Saskatchewan's short season. If the weather cooperates, there can also be an eco-weeder demonstration.
Class material:
- Tips to Garden Organically 7 p updated Feb 2009 (copyrighted Paule Hjertaas)
- Tips... 2009 addition 1p (copyrighted Paule Hjertaas)
- Garden bed plan for SK (copyrighted Paule Hjertaas) success depends on smaller and/or earlier varieties (see list below)
- 2009 P Hjertaas Seed list and some resistant varieties (copyrighted Paule Hjertaas)
- Read Your Weeds
- Organic Gardening Power Point (point form controls for several pests, weeds and diseases as well as general info on orgnics and seeding. (copyrighted Paule Hjertaas)
- Retailer Survey form 2009- list of 'reduced-risk' products registered and available in Canada
An Organic Gardening Presentation is also available. (30 minutes)
Organic Land Care Training for Municipal Officials or Transitioning Landscapers
more on weed control at Resource links/weeds
new in 2019: Steam 'N' Weeds A Canadian company based in Waiwright, Alberta, utilizing patented Satusteam™ technology. Weedtechnics: a new source for steamweeding equipment. The previous ones had disappearedand I have been looking for a new company for years! The company is located in Australia but the steam-weeding equipment has a Canadian patent as well. Products are made in USA and Australia. The city of St-Albert near Edmonton is moving to their Satusteam Weed Control steamer instead of Roundup/glyphosate. It has other uses as well. link to their electric steamer. There are also several other models. .For some reason the links in the main page don't work but clicking on the "products' link at the bottom of the page in the dark gray section gets you to the products. Weedingtech Foamstream equipment. International company. Canadian distributor at Turfcare
This class was developed for the Green Trades conference, November 2010. The class notes were posted on their web site as well for several months.
- Organic Landcare Basic training education and resources
- Organic Land Care basic Training - Power Point Presentation
- City of Regina maintenance cost comparison between different park classification This document points out that the major cost of maintenance of green spaces is clearly the manpower needed for extra mowing, trimming, etc rather than inputs.
- Saskatoon Health Region cost estimate of uisng green products in 2010
- Alfalfa Green - Fertilizer used by Saskatoon Health Region in 2010
- Soil testing lab used by Saskatoon Health Region
- Ecologically Sound Mosquito Management in Wetlands, Xerces Society. 2013. An overview of mosquito control practices, the risks, benefits, and nontarget impacts, and recommendations on effective practices that control mosquitoes, reduce pesticide use, and conserve wetlands. Now that there is no longer SK provincial support for helping municipalities with West Nile virus control, this report on how to control mosquitoes effectively and ecologically may come in handy. U.S. information. All product suggestions may not be available in Canada.
Pesticides and You/Pesticides in Saskatchewan (30-45 minutes)
Introduction on pesticides
Pesticide Regulation: Does licensing mean it's safe? (1 hour)
Explains the shortcomings of pesticide licensing using the recent 2,4-D draft assessment as an example.
Gardens for Sustainability Tours

Tour of organic garden plots at the South Zone community Garden

Regina organically maintained yard visited on a tour.

Tour of a home garden

Tour of school wildflower garden