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Pesticides in Food

Food, Pesticides in, p 2

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also see pesticides in food,  Legislation/Regulatory/Canada p.1 and 2, glyphosate 2

Revealed: Far higher pesticide residues allowed on food since Brexit    Exclusive: Unlike the EU, Great Britain has slashed protections for scores of food types. (The Guardian, 19 September 2024)   'Changes to regulations in Great Britain mean more than 100 items are now allowed to carry more pesticides when sold to the public, ranging from potatoes to onions, grapes to avocados, and coffee to rice.     For tea, the maximum residue level (MRL) was increased by 4,000 times for both the insecticide chlorantraniliprole and the fungicide boscalid. For the controversial weedkiller glyphosate, classed as a “probable human carcinogen” by the World Health Organization (WHO), the MRL for beans was raised by 7.5 times.     The purpose of the pesticide MRL regime is to protect public health, wildlife and the natural environment. Campaigners said the list of pesticides included reproductive toxins and carcinogens and that the weaker MRLs reduced protections for consumers in Great Britain. Northern Ireland has retained the EU MRLs....MRLs have been weakened for 49 different pesticides, 15 of which are on a list of “highly hazardous pesticides” compiled by Pesticides Action Network UK (Pan UK), based on data from national and international authorities.   Strikingly, the UK chose to adopt the Codex MRLs only where they offered lower protection to consumers. Where the Codex standard was stricter, the HSE decided to retain the weaker British MRL.   A spokesperson for the HSE said: “We make independent decisions based on careful scientific assessment of the risks, with the aim of achieving a high level of protection for people and the environment."'       SNAP Comment: Hmmm.... Increasing allowable pesticide residues in foods achieves a higher level of protection...Does that make sense to you?  Unfortunately, the reality is likely that MRLs are increased because the food available is so contaminated that the previous lower MRL can no longer be met. This happened for mercury residue in fish decades ago. 

New Glyphosate studies find risks with “on-label” preharvest use (Safe Food Matters, 5 September 2024)     'Preharvest use of glyphosate on malting barley “should not be a recommended practice”, according to the conclusion of a recent field trial report, because it risks “the quality and residue status” of the grain.   The study was conducted to assess preharvest use on barley at different rates and stages of crop maturity. The unexpected finding was that maximum residue limits (MRLs) of glyphosate were exceeded, “even when glyphosate was applied at the recommended level … and time”. In other words, even when spray label directions were followed.'     Pre-harvest use is currenetly banned in Europe. 

Gluten-Free Food Test Results (posted by Zen Honeycutt, Moms Across America, 10 June 2024)     This article also presents a summary of results, gluten content regulatory levels and that, "across the board, the samples are extremely low in each mineral based on the FDA Recommended Daily Values and accurate serving sizes per category". Results of glyphosate and pesticides:

  • 44 out of 46 of the samples came back positive for glyphosate.
  • Out of the 237 pesticides we tested for, glyphosate was the most prevalent.
  • Not all of the gluten-free products that were also organic were the lowest in glyphosate.
  • 21% of the samples were positive for glyphosate at levels higher than 10 ppb, the EU threshold for acceptable glyphosate residues.
  • According to Don Huber, Purdue University Emeritus and plant pathologist of 60 years, exposure to .1 ppb of glyphosate is harmful and should be avoided. 95.6% of the samples contained higher than .1 ppb of glyphosate.
  • 100% of the samples contained trace levels or higher of pesticides. 7 samples (15%) contained only trace levels.

The highest level of glyphosate in gluten-free food tested was in Banza Chickpea pasta. 2,4-D was the second most prevalent pesticide. SNAP Comment: US study. Not all brands are present in Canada and if one eats these alternative products, one may need an additional mineral supplement.

100% of Top Twenty Fast Food Brands Positive for Glyphosate Herbicide 76% Positive for Harmful Pesticides (posted by Zen Honeycutt, Moms Across America, 11 October, 2023)    42 samples tested form 21 fast food restaurants. 236 pesticides tested for, in addition to glyphosate herbicide. Twenty-seven pesticides were detected in 28 samples (61%). 'The only brands that showed no detectable levels, not even trace levels of pesticides, were Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, Wendy’s and Arby’s. All of the other brands, or 90% of the brands, had trace to alarming detectable levels of toxic pesticides. It should be noted, however that some of these brands, specifically Dunkin’ Donuts and Arby’s did have some of the highest levels of glyphosate residues.'    SNAP comment: A&W was not tested


  • 100% of Top Twenty ( +1) Fast Food brands contained alarming glyphosate residues.
  • Studies in lab animals show that 0.1 ppb of glyphosate cause liver and organ damage.
  • The highest levels detected, 213.58 ppb and 225.53 ppb, totaling 439.11 in two samples, were in Panera Bread, a self-proclaimed proprietor of "good food" and "clean, wholesome foods."
  • The second highest levels of glyphosate were found in Arby's sandwiches, 124.2 and 99 ppb, totaling 223.33 ppb of glyphosateDairy Queen and Little Caesar’s were nearly tied for third highest, at 126 ppb and 128 ppb total : glyphosate detected, respectively.

Pesticide Results Summary

  • 27 different pesticides were found in fast food samples.
  • 76% of fast food brands (61% of the total 42 samples) contained at least trace of these 27 harmful pesticides.
  • Several fast foods contained as many as 7, 8 or 9 different pesticides.
  • The highest levels were found in Domino’s and Pizza Hut pizza ( pizza with vegetables had the highest amounts).
  • Even the “healthier” fast food companies, Panera BreadIn-N-Out and Chipotle all had either trace or detectable and concerning levels of pesticides.

Pesticide Residues in Food Do Not Tell the Full Story on Hazards and the Importance of Organic     (Beyond Pesticides, May 1, 2024) According to a new analysis by Consumer Reports, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Pesticide Data Program (PDP) Annual Summary has once again failed to accurately portray the safety of some of the most commonly sold fruits and vegetables in the United States. A review of seven years of PDP data show that 20% of the foods tested pose a “high risk” to the public and 12 specific commodities are so dangerous that children or pregnant people should not eat more than one serving per day, according to Consumer Reports analysis. Consumer Reports contend that U.S. Environmental Protection (EPA) pesticide residue tolerances are too lenient. To better evaluate potential health risks associated with various foods, Consumer Reports applied stricter residue limits than the EPA tolerances (see here for CR’s analytical methodology).      Scientists at Consumer Reports note that EPA’s calculations of “tolerable” levels of pesticides in food are at least 10 times higher than they should be to adequately ensure the health and safety of the public and the country’s ecosystems.

UPDATE: PMRA TRANSFORMATION AGENDA, INCREASING MRLS AND ACTION (SafeFoods Matters, August 2023)    MRLs are the acceptable pesticide residue limits in food. Links in original article. 'However, the facts are that even when Canadian labels are followed, there can be high levels, as shown by recent Agriculture Canada research. Perhaps one reason is the labels and PMRA assume pesticide levels dissipate overtime, but confidential test data on glyphosate has shown the levels can increase in seed over time. Unless there is someone checking how pesticides are sprayed in the field, there will be no way to fix Canadian labels that are resulting in unexpected, high levels. This increases the risk arising from pesticides.

  • and more

Summary: The NOI 2023-01 proposals allow MRLs to be increased, protect industry data, and maintain the status quo.  Despite the rhetoric of the “Transformation Agenda”, PMRA is running an “obsolete regulatory system that protects the pest industry more than it protects Canadians”.

Beehive Products Contain Concentration of Pesticide Residues High Enough To Be a Risk to Consumer Health    (Beyond Pesticides, May 18, 2023) A study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology finds pesticide residues in beehive products pose a safety risk from dietary consumption. Beehive products (i.e., bee bread, propolis, beeswax, and royal jelly) from beekeeping or apiculture are said to have nutraceutical (health and medicinal benefits) properties. However, a wide range of pesticide residues (i.e., tau-fluvalinate, coumaphos, chlorfenvinphos, chlorpyrifos, and amitraz), especially acaricides for killing ticks and mites in hives, may accumulate in beehive products up to concentrations that pose a potential health risk. 

EWG investigation: Dangerous agricultural chemical chlormequat found in popular oat-based products (EWG, 31 January 2023) including Quaker Oats and Cheerios.   Chlormequat was discovered in all but one of 13 non-organic oat-based cereals, granola and other products including 11 products contained chlormequat levels higher than the amount we think is safe for children’s health, and one sample contained exactly that amount. This level – EWG’s health benchmark – is 30 parts per billion, or ppb,  equivalent to a blade of grass on a football field. Chlormequat is approved for agricultural commercial use on ornamental plants only – not  on oats or any other food products grown in the U.S. But imported oats can have chlormequat residue in them, which is how they end up in the food we eat. Also lists health effects. SNAP Comment: 5 chlormequat products are registered in Canada as of 7 April 2023. It is registered for use in greenhouse as well as cereal grains so we may be the source of the oat products contamination. Chlormequat is a plant rowth regulator.


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see also Forestry/Herbicides, fungicides

Strawberries Lose Their Sweetness, Aroma, and Taste after Being Sprayed with Chemical Fungicides, Study Finds    (Beyond Pesticides, March 1, 2023) 'Fungicides sprayed on chemically farmed strawberries reduce their flavor quality, according to research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry this week.   Differences in sugar content are not minute, with the difenconazole expressing 10% less fructose, and boscalid group 25% less.  At the same time, levels of titratable acid increase in the fungicide treatments, and display the lowest sugar-acid ratio; the control group expresses the highest.   Treated strawberries show lower levels of flavonoid content and a lower number of total phenols compared to the control. Analysis found evidence that treated strawberries also have higher levels of oxidative stress

Glyphosate: Its Environmental Persistence and Impact on Crop Health and Nutrition   (Ramdas Kanissery et al, Plants (Basel). 2019 Nov; 8(11): 499). 'The purpose of this brief review is to present and discuss the state of knowledge with respect to its persistence in the environment, possible effects on crop health, and impacts on crop nutrition.'

Test for pesticides

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New, Inexpensive “Dipstick” Can Test for Pesticides in Food (Beyond Pesticides, November 12, 2009... Posted in Uncategorized) Scientists from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario have developed a dipstick test that can detect minute amounts of toxins and pesticides in foodstuffs that is slated to be less costly than current pesticide testing methods and can produce results within minutes. Their paper-strip test produces results in minutes...

also see pesticides in food p 2Legal/litigationindustry shenanigans/regulatory, glyphosatewater,  immune/ infection, diabetes/obesity

Organic food

Glyphosate testing

Marijuana moved to new page Drug- Pesticides in

EPA confirms PFAS can leach from shipping containers into food, other products   (By Shannon Kelleher, The New Lede, 12 September 2022)    Toxic chemicals knowns as PFAS leach from the walls of shipping containers into the products they contain, potentially contaminating food, pesticides, and other products transported all over the world, according to study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  The EPA analysis found that 8 types of PFAS compounds leached into water and methanol samples stored in fluorinated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) containers after just one day.  The EPA said the analysis provided “a clear indication” of the migration of PFAS from container walls to the liquid solutions in the container.    The agency said the amount of PFAS leached into the solutions generally increased with time during the agency’s 20-week testing period.The levels of contamination the EPA found were far higher than the updated drinking water health advisory level of about 0.004 parts per trillion (ppt) that EPA recently set for PFOA, one of the PFAS chemicals identified in the barrels.   'SNAP Comments: Canadian Water guidelines for PFAs (June 2019)  'Treatment options for PFAS: PFAS can be removed by treating well water: using either an activated carbon filter installed at the tap or where the water enters the house; or using a reverse osmosis system installed at the drinking water tap. Reverse osmosis systems should only be installed at the tap, as the treated water may cause corrosion to the plumbing and cause other contaminants, like heavy metals, to leach into the water.'

Toxic Pesticide Residues on Over Half of U.S. Food, 1 in 10 Samples Violate Legal Limits, Says FDA  (Beyond Pesticides, August 16, 2022) Over half of all food samples tested by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) contain the residues of at least one pesticide, and one in ten samples have levels that violate legal limits established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These findings, published by FDA this month in its 2020 Pesticide Residue Monitoring Report, are simply par for the course for government regulators, as FDA indicates the 2020 results “were consistent with recent years.”      Of the 316 domestic food samples, 59.2% contained the residue of at least one pesticide, and 3.2% were in violation of EPA pesticide tolerances. Import samples totaled 1,762, of which over 50% contained at least one pesticide residue, and 11.6% were in violation. In general, samples of food imported to the U.S. from other countries appeared to pose a greater risk of containing pesticide residue. Countries documenting the highest number of import violations included Mexico, India, and Pakistan.

Clean Fifteen™
EWG's 2022 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™
   also link to download EWG'S 2022 DIRTY DOZEN™ LIST

New report: Corporate influence at FAO (PANNA, 6 June 2022)  'Corporations are gaining increasing influence at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), at the expense of states, small scale food producers, Indigenous Peoples and civil society. But far from resisting this corporate capture, the FAO appears to be actively embracing it. The corporate takeover of UN institutions like the FAO threatens the democratic governance of our food systems.    A new report published June 7, Corporate Capture of FAO: Industry's Deepening Influence on Global Food Governance, exposes the extent of FAO’s engagement with the corporate sector and its negative impact on global decision-making at a time of worsening food crises.'

filed under industry shenanigans/regulatory and legal and food

Farmed Salmon Just as Toxic to Human Health as Junk Food   (Beyond Pesticides, June 16, 2022) 'Farmed salmon serves as an inferior food source, accumulating more toxic chemicals in fatty tissue with fewer healthy nutrient properties based on a study from the University of Bergen, Norway and Alternative Medicine Review. '   'the issue of toxic chemical contamination in fish dates back decades' including from 'dioxin (a by-product of pesticide manufacturing), and ethoxyquin (a pesticide preservative in fish feed). The aquaculture industry (e.g., farmed seafood/fish) repeatedly faces sustainability issues, failing to adhere to environmental regulations and threatening marine health. Extensive use of pesticides in local marine ecosystems has induced coastal habitat loss and increased genetic and health risks to wild marine populations. Moreover, insecticides used to kill salmon parasites (e.g., fish lice) has led to widespread disease persistence and pest resistance. Marine species biodiversity is rapidly declining due to overfishing, global warming, pathogens, and pollution.'   'Food analysis results find the consumption of farmed salmon fillets contributes to higher rates of metabolic disorders, including diabetes and obesity. These farmed salmon also contain levels of toxins, including PCBs and dioxin, that are five times higher than levels in other tested foods.'

Conventional Apples Found to Be Coated in Fungicides and Drug-Resistant Fungi   (Beyond Pesticides, April 6, 2022) Conventional apples sold at market and sprayed with synthetic fungicides may not only contain drug-resistant fungi, but function as a transmission reservoir and route to spread these dangerous pathogens, finds research published in mBio late last month by a team of researchers from India and Canada. As reports of fungal resistance rise, particularly in hospitals and among the immunocompromised, there is an urgent need to understand and address the root causes of these emerging disease threats.   Overall, eight (13%) of apples had the presence of C. auris on its surface. All of the isolates were found in stored fruits purchased at market, while those purchased directly from the orchards contained no pathogenic fungi. Fungicides were found to be present on every apple that also contained C. auris, and included a range of different classes with varying modes of action. This included triazole fungicides (such as tebuconazoledifenoconazolesulfentrazone, and flusilazole), methyl benzimidazole carbamates (such as carbendazim and thiabendazole), phthalimides like captanpyridinecarboxamides like boscalid, aromatic amines like diphenylamine, the phenolpyrrole fludoxonil, and quinone outside inhibitors (like kresoxim-methyl and pyraclostrobin).   However, the presence of fungicides was generally evenly distributed between those found with and without drug-resistant pathogenic C. auris. Fresh fruit from neither conventional nor organic orchards contained C. auris, but only organic apples were free of any fungicide residue, while conventional apples were contaminated with two or three fungicides on each fruit. Further isolation and culture of C. auris apples found them to have reduced sensitivity to commonly found triazole fungicides.

Dirty Dozen™  EWG's 2021 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

Canadian Wheat Tests Positive for 3,162 ppb of Carcinogenic Glyphosate Weed Killer  ( Zen Honeycutt, Moms Across Americaa, 16 February 2022)    'Samples of wheat bran, whole wheat flour, and unbleached all-purpose flour from a Winnipeg supermarket. (first and second section of results) All were produced from Canadian wheat. The second set of samples (third chart)  are from a research project being done at a farm in Manitoba.   Considering that the CA EPA’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has determined a maximum daily intake level of 1100 ug per day, 2,266 ppb (equivalent to ug), as found in Canadian wheat tilled samples, is comparatively quite alarming. Feeding one’s baby a piece of toast or breakfast cereal with these levels of glyphosate is a disturbing idea, and one likely to lead to chronic health issues.' also tables and discussion of  health effects.'

Plastic Sports Bottles Leach Thousands of Chemicals, including a Common Insect Repellent   (Beyond Pesticides, February 17, 2022)  (The insect repellent) 'DEET was confirmed to be present in every plastic bottle tested. Scientists indicate that DEET’s presence is likely a result another chemical with a similar chemical structure to DEET. In particular, the plasticizer material laurolactam is implicated. Either the plasticizer was produced with impurities that mimic DEET, or it was transformed into DEET  in the dishwasher through a chemical reaction with other materials in the plastic bottles.   The scientists opine that the identification of DEET may in fact be the source of ubiquitous DEET detection in the environment. A phenomenon that has long been ascribed to its use as a repellent, the widespread presence of DEET in the natural world by chemical happenstance may be yet another side-effect of a world where chemical pollution has exceeded the safe limits for humanity.

Unless You Go Organic, Switching to ‘Healthier’ Mediterranean Diet Increases Pesticide Exposure Three-fold   (Beyond Pesticides, November 9, 2021)' Replacing a modern, ‘western’ diet of highly processed foods with a Mediterranean diet filled with conventional, chemically-grown fruits and vegetables triples exposure to toxic pesticides, according to research recently published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.   For organophosphate insecticides in particular, levels increased nearly 4x (from 7 to 25 μg/d)' ( urine concnetration).. 'Between the organic and conventional Mediterranean diet, individuals that ate organic had 91% lower pesticide residue than those consuming foods only produced through conventional chemical farming practices. Researchers found that the primary source for pesticide residue came from chemically grown fruit, vegetables, and whole grain cereals.      The research is so convincing, it may be possible to base future public health research upon. “One of the difficulties of assessing the public health impacts of dietary exposure to pesticides is that once pesticides are widely used in food production everybody gets exposed,” said Leonidas Rempelos, PhD. “This study demonstrated the potential of using organic food consumers as a ‘low pesticide exposure control group’ to investigate the effect currently used and newly released pesticides on public health.”

Report Finds True Cost of Food in 2019 Was $2.1 Trillion in Adverse Health, Environmental, and Other Effects    (Beyond Pesticides, July 23, 2021) The Rockefeller Foundation has just published a report, True Cost of Food: Measuring What Matters to Transform the U.S. Food System, which identifies the real-but-under-recognized downsides of the U.S. food system... 'The report calls for a true accounting of the costs of food in the U.S. Beyond Pesticides welcomes the broad framework of the report, but notes that a true accounting would necessarily include the costs of the externalities of conventional agriculture, including those related to pesticides: the costs of pollution and its cleanup (when that even happens), of lost pollination and biodiversity, of lost productivity from illness, and of health care costs related to pesticide use. Remarkably, for all its repetition of deleterious impacts on climate, biodiversity, and health, the report barely mentions either pesticides’ roles in causing such impacts, or the clear solution to so many of the negatives in the food system — organic, regenerative agriculture.'

What'sOnMyFood? (June 2009).PAN's new searchable web site reveals what pesticides are found on which foods, in what amount. It also, for the first time, links pesticide residues to the health effects associated with exposure to each of the chemicals. The database points to the hazards of pesticide use before food even reaches the kitchen table. The site shows how widespread use of agricultural chemicals threatens the health of workers and rural communities, as well as harming wildlife and contaminating ecosystems.

Examples of pesticides facts found with What'sOnMyFood?

Environmental Working Group shopping guide to pesticides www.foodnews.org

 Food Inc. Find out more about factory farming & the state of the food industry.

Glyphosate in chicken poop used as fertilizer is hurting food production, researchers say   (US Right to Know, September 9, 2020 by Carey Gillam) '  Because there are glyphosate residues in human and animal food, detectable glyphosate levels are commonly found in human urine and animal manure.  'These glyphosate residues in fertilizer are a problem for growers for many reasons, according to the Finland researchers. “We found that poultry manure can accumulate high residues of (glyphosate-based herbicides), decrease plant growth and reproduction, and thus inhibit the growth-promoting effects of manure when applied as fertilizer,” the paper states. “These results demonstrate that the residues pass through the digestive process of birds, and more importantly, they persist in the manure fertilizer over long periods.” The researchers said the glyphosate residues can persist in ecological systems, affecting several non-target organisms over many years.'

Consumer Reports Study Rates Foods with Pesticide Residues; Doesn’t Include Worker, Environmental Justice, Biodiversity Impacts    (Beyond Pesticides, September 18, 2020) In late August, Consumer Reports magazine (CR) issued a report titled, “Stop Eating Pesticides,”    In addition to providing its analysis and ratings of the pesticide risk of a variety of produce items, CR recommends eating organically grown and raised foods whenever possible. It also makes a host of recommendations on federal pesticide policies and emphasizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of the National Organic Standards (of the USDA-housed National Organic Program). Beyond Pesticides appreciates that this mainstream publication has arrived at many shared, science-based assessments of the risks of pesticides. That said, a wholesale transition to organic and regenerative agriculture — rather than making the public figure out which fruits and vegetables are “safer” or “less safe” — is the real answer to the health risks of pesticides in the food supply, according to Beyond Pesticides.

What's on your peaches? (PAN What's on my Food?)   62 Pesticide Residues Found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program1,2,3    What's onmy food? main page. USA

Companies that Claim Sustainable Sourcing Lack Criteria, Virtually None Includes Pesticide Use  (Beyond Pesticides, November 8, 2019)    'A new report out from As You Sow — 2019 Pesticides in the Pantry: Transparency and Risk in Food Supply Chains — focuses on the risks that agricultural pesticide use represents for food manufacturers, and offers recommendations and benchmarks for improvement in the areas of management and transparency.  The report connects the dots for food corporations: “The environmental damage caused by pesticides creates significant operational risk to food companies.'    Apparently a sruprisingly readable report.

U.S. Consumers Eating Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables, according to Government Report   (Beyond Pesticides, November 1, 2019)    'Among the unsavory metrics in the 2017 report — based on samples from California, New York, Texas, Kansas, and Wisconsin — are that pesticide residues were found in 84% of domestic fruits, 53% of vegetables, 42% of grains, and 73% of samples categorized as “other” (nuts, seeds, oils, honey, candy, beverages, spices, multi-ingredient products, and dietary supplements). Small percentages (less than 3%) of domestic grains, fruits, and “other” products had “violative” levels of residues — those that register above the tolerances set by EPA. However, nearly 10% of vegetables harbored violative levels of pesticide residues. Includes levels of residues in specific U.S. commodities tested. Across 6,069 samples, 221 discrete pesticide compounds were detected, including six that had never previously been found via the FDA monitoring program, including DDTNeonicotinoidsfungicides and organophosphates were also well represented'.

Study Adds to Evidence that Organic Fruit Consumption Leads to Lowers Levels of Pesticide Contamination in Children, Pregnant Women  (Beyond Pesticides, October 24, 2019)   'Results found that high self-reported fish and seafood consumption (more than 4 times per week) is associated with greater contamination by several chemicals and heavy metals when compared to those who reportedly ate fish less than 2 times per week. Pregnant mothers in the high consumption group had levels of PCBs 15% higher, mercury 89% and arsenic 487% higher than the low consumption group, with similar results seen for the children tested.  Researchers also found positive associations between eating fruit and levels of organophosphate pesticides in urine for both children and pregnant women.' 

Organic Poultry Significantly Less Likely than Chemical-Intensive to Contain Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria, But Improvements Still Needed   (Beyond Pesticides, October 16, 2019)

Companies that Claim Sustainable Sourcing Lack Criteria, Virtually None Includes Pesticide Use   (Beyond Pesticides, November 8, 2019)    'A new report out from As You Sow — 2019 Pesticides in the Pantry: Transparency and Risk in Food Supply Chains — focuses on the risks that agricultural pesticide use represents for food manufacturers, and offers recommendations and benchmarks for improvement in the areas of management and transparency... .As an organization that works on shareholder advocacy to “harness shareholder power to create lasting change that benefits people, planet, and profit,” As You Sow is responding to investor and shareholder demand that companies reduce the presence of synthetic pesticide chemicals in their supply chains.'

Canadian Testing Shows Glyphosate Contamination in Popular Food Products (Sustainable Pulse, Sep 10 2018)'New testing conducted by an independent lab found glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, in common children’s lunch foods and snacks sold in Canada...Chickpea and wheat-based products were among the highest contaminated because these crops are often sprayed with glyphosate just weeks before they are harvested. Canadian growers are concerned about current levels of contamination because of impacts on exports due to higher standards in other countries.'

Impossible Burger Causes Some Beef in the “Green” Market  (Beyond Pesticides, August 8, 2019)  'The (Impossible) burger, manufactured by the Impossible Foods Group, is comprised of genetically engineered soy and heme (iron-containing molecule that is a component of hemoglobin and common to plants and animals). It contains over 11.3 times the amount of glyphosate residue as its counterpart, the non-GMO Beyond Burger.'  'The results show that the Impossible Burger produces 89% fewer GHG emissions than conventional beef. However, Quantis also conducted an LCA at White Oaks Pasture and found that beef produced in their regenerative agricultural system is carbon negative. Their system produces over 100% less CO2 than both conventional beef or the Impossible BurgerFor every 1kg of beef produced at the farm, their overall system, including the soil and their vegetation, removes 3.5 kg of CO2 from the atmosphere....'

An Apple a Day? To Keep a Healthy Gut, Make Sure It’s Organic  (Beyond Pesticides, July 31, 2019) When it comes to maintaining a healthy gut, organic apples shine, while conventional, pesticide-treated apples come out bruised and wanting, according to a new study published in Frontiers in Microbiology by a team of Austrian researchers... “Freshly harvested, organically managed apples harbor a significantly more diverse, more even and distinct bacterial community, compared to conventional ones,” said Gabriele Berg, PhD to the Guardian. Scientists reached this conclusion by analyzing the entire apple microbiome, from the peel and fruit pulp, to the seeds, stem and calyx (opposite from the stem, where the apple flower fell off)...Conventional apples, while containing the same number of bacterium, were dominated by Burkholderiales, of which some may be pathogenic to humans. They also contained Enterobacteriales, including some, (albeit low) amount of human pathogenic Escherichia-Shigella, which was not found in any organic apple sample.'

Study finds residue of pesticides, antibiotics and growth hormone in non-organic milk  (Rebekah Tuchscherer, USA TODAY, June 26, 2019)   'Jessica Shade, director of science programs for The Organic Center said, "This study finds that the presence of antibiotics and pesticides in conventional milk is much more prevalent and pervasive than previously thought."' Hormones are the same but much higher levels in conventional milk. The article discusses the results compared to the previous FDA studies.

Starbucks Sued for Illegally Using Carcinogenic Pesticide Near Food and Beverages  Hot Shot No Pest Strip placed near bagels and pastries in Starbucks store(Beyond Pesticides, June 4, 2019) A class-action lawsuit is accusing Starbucks stores in New York of misusing a highly toxic, carcinogenic pesticide near food, putting the health of customers and employees at risk. “Stores throughout Manhattan have for many years been permeated with a toxic pesticide called Dichlorvos DDVP, which is highly poisonous and completely unfit for use in proximity to food, beverages and people,” the suit reads. SNAP Comment: There are dichlorvos pesticide forrmulations still registered in Canada. They include Vapona. The pesticide is to be used indoors, for fogging Food Processing Plants, Industrial Plants, Theatres, Warehouse and mushroom houses, Also for dairies, piggeries, poultry houses and barns, and for outdoor mosquito control and 'space spray.' Most exterminators in Saskatchewan use pesticides first rather than integrated pest management which should mean starting with the least toxic approach first.

New Transparency Project Finds Glyphosate in Top Selling Organic Pea Protein Products  (Sustainable Pulse, May 15 2019)  'The Detox Project, working in coordination with Mamavation, are set to test thousands of best-selling products over the next 2 years to uncover the truth about the levels of pesticides in our food and supplements.'    'The Detox Project tested the top eight selling popular protein powders on Amazon. Most of these brands were vegan and contained pea protein, but they also tested brands with soy, whey, & collagen proteins as well.'    SNAP Comment:  These results are very concerning. It is mentioned that most of the supply come from Canada and China. Organic certification certifies growing methods but do not generally test for contamination after the fact. I suspect that low amounts in organics are likely contamination from water, rain, or drift. The very high level in one organic brand seems more like fraud to me. When you buy vegan products containing pea powder, you will never know where it came from and the level of contamination until the supply chains are regularly tested.

Neonicotinoid Insecticide Residues in Food and Water on the Rise, According to USDA Data  (Beyond Pesticides, May 2, 2019)

Part 2: Even more reasons why we can’t be confident in Health Canada’s assessment that glyphosate is safe (Environmental Defense, 2 May 2019, Sarah Jamal)      link to part 1 in document. 'But what the CFIA left out of this report was data for wheat, corn and oats. Radio-Canada revealed that, in fact, 80 per cent of wheat samples and 74 per cent of oat samples were contaminated with glyphosate. This is consistent with our What’s in your lunch? study where we found 80 per cent of food products that we tested contained glyphosate. What remains unclear is why Health Canada chose not to publish the data on wheat, corn and oat contamination in its 2016 report or in a follow-up report it planned to publish in 2018.'

Weed killer residues found in 98 percent of Canadian honey samples   Study is the latest evidence that glyphosate herbicides are so pervasive that residues can be found in foods not produced by farmers using glyphosate.(Environmental Health News, Mar 22, 2019)  The study also found residues of AMPA (glyphosate degradation product)  and Bayer's glufosinate herbicide respectively in 98% and over 60% of samples in the honey samples. Link to report in article     'The prevalence of glyphosate residues in honey samples - 98.5 percent - was higher than what was reported in several similar studies done over the last five years in other countries..The Canadian report, published in a journal called Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, said that glyphosate is currently an active ingredient in 181 herbicides registered for use in Canada and its widespread use has made it commonly found in the environment.''The Canadian study authors said that all of the levels they found were below the European limit. "People think the standards are protective of public health but they are not," Dr. Philip Landrigan, director of the Global Public Health Program at Boston College, told EHN"The optimal amount" of pesticide residues in food is "zero," he said. "Remember, many of the people eating honey are children."''In 1993, for example, the EPA had a tolerance for glyphosate in oats at 0.1 parts per million (ppm) but in 1996 Monsanto asked EPA to raise the tolerance to 20 ppm and the EPA did as asked. In 2008, at Monsanto's suggestion, the EPA again looked to raise the tolerance for glyphosate in oats, this time to 30 ppm.'    SNAP Comment: How scientific is raising a tolerance limit supposedly determined scientifically because the legal limit can no loger be met? Let's face it, th dose at which 1/2 the experimental animals die divided by whatever number implies there is an acceptable level of contamination. However, it never accounts for widespread low dose effects.

Adding to Residue Studies, Report Documents Toxic Pesticides in Common Foods Sold by Major Retailers  (Beyond Pesticides, February 13, 2019)   "The report, Toxic Secret, found store and name brand foods produced and sold by the top four U.S. food retailers — Kroger (NYSE:KR), Walmart (NYSE: WMT), Costco (NYSE:COST) and Albertsons — contain residues of toxic pesticides linked to a range of serious health and environmental problems...The FOE study finds that oat cereals, apples, applesauce, spinach and pinto beans at the retailers contained detectable amounts of glyphosateorganophosphates and neonicotinoids. The average level of glyphosate found in cereal samples (360 parts per billion) was more than twice the level set by scientists at Environmental Working Group for lifetime cancer risk for children. The average level of glyphosate found in pinto beans (509 ppb) was more than 4.5 times the benchmark.*"  Also mentions the brands tested. 

Les Italiens boudent le blé canadien au glyphosate (Radio Canada, La Semaine Verte,  15 février 2019)    Fascinating that when the Canadian reports cereal grain testing for glyphosate, they have apparently removed the main grains: wheat, oats and corn from the analysis. The contamination tables are included in this article. 36.6% contamination of minor cereal crops on which glyphosate is not used pre-harvest indicates a wide environmental contamination. Table of wheat, oats and corn contamination also included with respective numbers of 80, 74 and 26%.Exports of Canadian wheat to Italy has dropped 70% because our wheat does not meet the lower glyphosate contamination standard developed after glyphosate was found to widely contaminate Italian pasta (from 10 ppm -Italian norm- to, 0,1 ppm). (Le reportage de Catherine Mercier et Bernard Laroche est diffusé à l'émission La semaine verte, samedi, à 17 h, à ICI Radio-Canada Télé.)

Study Confirms Chemical-Intensive Production Contaminates Organic with Glyphosate  (Beyond Pesticides, November 8, 2018  EWG’s results detected glyphosate residues in all 28 samples of conventionally grown oat products. The vast majority (all but two) of sampled products containing conventionally grown oats had residues well above 160 ppb. The highest level of glyphosate detected by the lab was 2,837 ppb in Quaker Oatmeal Squares breakfast cereal. Surprising to some, glyphosate was also detected in five of the 16 organic samples at concentrations of 10 ppb to 30 ppb. EWG notes that organic oats can be exposed by neighboring drift or at facilities where conventional oats are also processed. Any evidence indicating cross-contamination from conventional to organic underscores the urgency of protecting organic integrity. SNAP COMMENT: Note that fewer organic products were contaminated, and those that were had at least 5 to10 times less glyphosate than conventional products indicating drift, or presence in water. 

Breakfast Favorite Orange Juice Tainted by Glyphosate Herbicide Threatens Our Health and Florida's Environment  (Moms Across America, by Zen Honeycutt October 26, 2018)   'The amount of glyphosate that is used in Florida on orange groves, sugar cane fields, and on city streets is enormous. Over 3.5 million lbs per square mile of glyphosate was sprayed in Florida according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) between 2000-2012. In addition, glyphosate herbicide AquaMaster was permitted to be sprayed directly in waterways such as Lake Okeechobee and the Everglades, a nature reserve. Local environmentalists are outraged by the lack of action from their governor and local authorities to discontinue the use of glyphosate herbicides and protect marine life. Glyphosate Test Results in Florida’s Water    Moms Across America commissioned the testing of water in Lake Okeechobee and off the coast of Cape Coral. Lake O results, where cyanobacteria was present, showed levels between half the amount and 2 times higher than is allowed in European drinking water. Because cyanobacteria digests glyphosate it would be expected that where cyanobacteria is present the water would sometimes test for lower levels of glyphosate. The test results off the coast of Cape Coral, at the mouth of the Caloosahatchee River where cyanobacteria was present* showed levels of glyphosate 5 -12 times higher than is allowed in European drinking water. 

Brazil: Glyphosate found in over 80% of breast milk samples  (GM Watch, 11 August 2018)  'Surprisingly, the same contamination level was detected in the municipality of Oeiras, roughly 750 kilometers from the Urucui, where agricultural activity is the least in the state.'  also filed at fact sheets/glyphosate

US FDA and Cornell University Reports Show Glyphosate Residues in Corn, Soybeans and Pet Food  (Sustainable Pulse, Oct 4 2018)The (FDA) results showed that glyphosate was found at high but legal levels in soybeans and corn but not in eggs or milk...'Dr Michael Antoniou of King’s College London, who has conducted research on the health impacts of glyphosate herbicide, reacted in a quote for GM Watch; “The authors of this study, as quoted in this article, are ignoring established scientific principles and evidence in arriving at their conclusion that the levels of glyphosate residues found in the pet foods are “within a range that would be deemed safe for humans”. '“First, they do not acknowledge the well established principle of low dose toxicity, especially through endocrine disruption, which does not follow a linear ‘dose makes the poison’ model. Second, they ignore a large body of evidence that shows that daily intake of glyphosate well below what regulators have ruled as safe causes ill health to multiple organ systems such as the liver, kidney and reproductive system.”'

Pesticide residues vex food firms (by Ed White,Western Producer Sept  2018)  SNAP Comment: I am sure this problem is indeed vexing but realize that the term 'natural' has never had any official legal definition and been used by the food industry to make consumers think such labeled products were better than others and gain market share. In addition,  independent research has indeed shown that the EPA and PMRA's "acceptable limit" is not protective to consumers.

Roundup for Breakfast? Weed Killer Found in Kids’ Cereals, Other Oat-Based Foods (Environmental Working Group,Aug. 15, 2018)  'Popular oat cereals, oatmeal, granola and snack bars come with a hefty dose of the weed-killing poison in Monsanto's Roundup, according to independent laboratory tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group (EWG).  These new findings come days after a California jury awarded $289 million to a school groundskeeper who claimed Roundup gave him lymphoma.'  Glyphosate was found in all but two of 45 samples of products made with conventionally grown oats. "More than two thirds of the samples had glyphosate levels above what EWG scientists consider protective of children's health with an adequate margin of safety.  About one-third of 16 samples of foods made with organically grown oats also had glyphosate, all at levels well below EWG's health benchmark. Glyphosate may get in organic oats by drifting from nearby farm fields, or cross-contamination in a processing facility that also handles non-organic foods.' test chart and explanation of toxic levels at Breakfast With a Dose of Roundup?

75% of non-organic spinach contaminated with a neurotoxic bug killer that is banned in Europe (NaturalHealth365)  (USDA most recen tests) The most common contaminant is permethrin as well as 3 fungicides.  This article also deals with the widespread food contamination with permethrin as well as new research indicating a likely link to ADHD. ( with links). 415 pesticide products containing permethrin are registered in Canada as of 2 July 2018. Domestic products include flea and tick sprays for dogs and cats, horse sprays and house and garden insecticides.Pyrethrins (general name for a number of related chemicals) are also found in insect sprays like 'Raid'. Permethrin may be present in 2 brands of mosquito coils (21 registered Canadian products) indicating active ingredients as 'pyrethrins", which is a mixture. Most other mosquito coils contain another type of pyrethrin called D-CIS,TRANS-ALLETHRIN and 1 contains METOFLUTHRIN (Off). Two products contain the least toxic non-pyrethrin citronella but check the ingredients to ensure they don't also contain allethrin or other pyrethrinsAllethrin seems to be the most commonly registered pyrethrin in Canada. (121 labels). Also filed under pyrethrins/heath effects.

A worldwide survey of neonicotinoids in honey   E. A. D. Mitchell1,2,* et al  (Science  06 Oct 2017: Vol. 358, Issue 6359, pp. 109-111)   We assessed the global exposure of pollinators to neonicotinoids by analyzing 198 honey samples from across the world. We found at least one of five tested compounds (acetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiacloprid, and thiamethoxam) in 75% of all samples, 45% of samples contained two or more of these compounds, and 10% contained four or five. Also filed under neonicotinoids.

Millions of eggs removed from European shelves over toxicity fears (The Guardian, 3 Aug.2017)  Food contamination is not an unknown occurrence in Canada either. Fipronil is an insecticide used to get rid of fleas, lice and ticks on pets but is not allowed in food production. If ingested long term the highy toxic can damage the liver, thyroid gland and kidneys....but it's OK for pets... When you buy a flea product, pease check the ingredients. Also filed under pets.

Agricultural Uses of Antibiotics Escalate Bacterial Resistance. Organic Leads in Prohibiting Antibiotic Use. (Pesticides and You, winter 2016-17)    Presents information on antibiotic use in animal and fish production as well as in agriculture for the control of bligh and other bacterial crop diseases. Discusses residued in food and water. The use of glyphosate, a registered antibiotic, in crop production dwarfs knows uses of all other antibiotics by at least 3 times. Gives some of the organic alternatives. Unfortunately only US data with few international for contaminated fish. 

Beyond Pesticides Sues Mott’s for Labeling Pesticide-Laden Applesauce “Natural”  (Beyond Pesticides, May 8, 2017) – A national environmental health organization last Friday sued Mott’s, under consumer protection law, for false and misleading “natural” labeling of applesauce products containing a toxic pesticide. The suit argues that the finding of residues in the company’s applesauce of the neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid, which is particularly toxic to pollinators, disqualifies the products from being labeled “natural” or as containing “all natural ingredients.”  There are concerns in the scientific literature and European Food Safety Authority about the effect of acetamiprid on human health, particularly children.

Nearly a third of food samples in CFIA testing contain glyphosate residues (CBC News. Apr 13, 2017)  The Canadian Food Inspection Agency's report on testing of glyphosate is titled "Safeguarding with Science: Glyphosate Testing in 2015-2016, and was published on its website this week. Levels of herbicide exceeded acceptable limits in 1.3% of all foods, 3.9 of grains among 3,188 foods tested. Over 1/3 of grain products tested contained glyphosate and close to 1/3 of infant cereals and infant food. Glphosate is the most widely sold pesticide ingredient in Canada, according to Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency, which said in a report obtained by CBC News that more than 25 million kilograms of it were sold in 2014 (the most recent year for which data is available). No food recalls were issued as even the foods exceeding the MRL were considered safe. see also see also Canadian Food Inspection Agency Finds Residues of Glyphosate in One-Third of Food Products Tested  (Beyond Pesticides, April 17, 2017) SNAP Comment: Health Canada relies on the outdated model of "the dose makes the poison" to determine toxicityof a pesticide. It is now known that glyphosate has effects at concentrations well below the Canadian Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) which varies between .1 to 20 ppm depending on the food.  Seralini showed negative health effects at .1 ppb (1000 times lower than .1 ppm)

Monsanto Is Scrambling To Bury This Breaking Story – Don’t Let This Go Unshared! (By Food Babe) Link to the full report "Glyphosate: Unsafe on any Plate  Food Testing Results and Scientific Reasons for Concern" by Food Democracy Now! and the Detox ProjectList of common foods tested and their levels of contamination

FDA Tests Confirm Oatmeal, Baby Foods Contain Residues of Monsanto Weed Killer (Huffington Post, 09/30/2016; Updated 2 days ago) In the sample results shared, the levels ranged from nothing detected in several different organic oat products to 1.67 parts per million, according to the presentation. Farmers are encouraged by Monsanto to use RoundUp on most crops. Even though the FDA annually examines foods for residues of many other types of pesticides... It was only in February of this year that the agency said it would start some glyphosate residue analysis. That came after many independent researchers started conducting their own testing and found glyphosate in an array of food products, including flour, cereal, and oatmeal. Quaker Oats has said any trace amounts of glyphosate found in its products are safe, and it stands by the quality of its products.                HERBICIDE IN HONEY  In addition to oats, the FDA also earlier this year tested samples of U.S. honey for glyphosate residues and found all of the samples contained glyphosate residues, including some with residue levels double the limit allowed in the European Union,

Pesticide residue found on nearly half of organic produce (CBC News, Jan 08, 2014) “It’s a dramatically lower figure than conventional food, so it illustrates the advantages of organics. But it's also very disturbing that it very clearly illustrates the fact that we've soiled our own bed,” Kastel said in an interview with CBC News from his farm near Rockton, Wis. SNAP NOTE:A news item missed in 2014. It is still worth buying organic because it encourages the industry and a general reduction in pesticide use. A news item missed in 2014. Usually the news of contamination of organic produce by pesticide is released by CropLife Canada, the pesticide industry organization. as a media release .I don't know where CBC got this news. Organic certification certifies growing methods, but when it rains and snows pesticides and they contaminates most surface waters, nothing and nowhere is pesticide-free.

Lab analysis shows strawberries are contaminated with 20 different pesticides, majority of which cause cancer in humans  (Natural News, July 19, 2016 by: Isabelle Z). A Switzerland story with lots of US data. 'Only one of the non-organic samples taken from the supermarket actually met the standards for making baby food.'...  "The news comes just two months after a report released by the Environmental Working Group found that strawberries had replaced apples as the fruits with the highest levels of pesticide residues."

Not Just For Corn and Soy: A Look at Glyphosate Use in Food Crops (US Right to Know, 4 May 2016)  Ubiquitous in food production, glyphosate is used not just with row crops like corn, soybeans and wheat but also a range of fruits, nuts and veggies. Even spinach growers use glyphosate...Notably, glyphosate use is also seen with a variety of crops not engineered to be sprayed directly. Looking at the period ending in 2013 compared to 2011, glyphosate use in wheat production was pegged at 8.6 million pounds, up from 8.1 million pounds; use in almonds was pegged at 2.1 million ...pounds, unchanged from the prior analysis; grape use was pegged at 1.5 million pounds, up from 1.4 million pounds; and rice use was estimated at 800,000 pounds, compared to 700,000 pounds in the prior analysis...You can check out your own favorite food here and compare it to the prior analysis here  Some on the list may surprise you, including cherries, avocados, apples, lemons, grapefruit, peanuts, pecans and walnuts.

Glyphosate Residues Found in Common Breakfast Foods (Beyond Pesticides, April 21, 2016) A report released Tuesday by the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) shows that glyphosate residues are widely distributed in common breakfast foods, such as bagels, cereals, creamers, and eggs. Glyphosate is a pervasive and toxic chemical found in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller and was classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a probable human carcinogen in 2015...Categories tested were: flour, corn flakes, instant oatmeal, bagels, yogurt, bread, frozen hash browns, potatoes, cream of wheat, eggs, non-dairy creamers, and dairy based coffee creamers. Of note is the finding that a sample of organic cage-free eggs contain more glyphosate than the allowable tolerance level. The lab found glyphosate residue levels of 169 parts per billion (ppb), while the allowable tolerance level is only 50ppb. more on glyphosate.

Glyphosate Found to Contaminate California Wine (Beyond Pesticides, March 25, 2016) Glyphosate is found to contaminate California wines, according to a new report from the non-profit group Moms Across America. Glyphosate is pervasive and toxic chemical found in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller and was classified in 2015 as a probable carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

GOING GMO-FREE  Grocer's Toolkit   Many Canadian stores were submitted to the contest including Dad's organic in Regina and Saskatoon. Make your grocery store aware of this and tell them you don't want gmos in your food, cosmetics and other products. 

Glyphosate Residues in Popular German Beers (Beyond Pesticides, February 29, 2016) Last Thursday, the Munich Environmental Institute stated that it had found traces of glyphosate, the widely used and controversial weed-killer, in 14 of Germany’s most popular beers. These findings are a potential blow to Germany’s Beer Purity Law, which is highly regarded in German beer culture... According to the study’s results, all levels found were above the glyphosate residue level allowed in drinking water. Paulle' note: European drinking water standards are usually much tighter than Canadian and US.