• Grow a Lush Garden Organically
  • Driving Near Recently Sprayed Fields Exposes People to Pesticides
  • LIving Near Fields Increases Pesticide Exposure
  • Link to SK Organic Resources
  • Weeds Can Be Managed Without Chemical Pesticides
  • Learn To Manage Weeds Without Chemical Pesticides
  • Learn About Pesticides in Foods
  • SNAP Tour of Organic Vegetable Garden
  • Learn About Colony Collapse Disorder and How to Protect Bees
  • Learn to Keep Insects Out of your Crops

Pesticides 101 - Introduction to Pesticides

Although the information below is from the US, it is just as relevant to Canada and around the world. The only difference I can see are the penalties for false advertising which can be very costly to a company in the US while it is mostly not prosecuted in Canada or, when the PMRA is forced to prosecute, merely a slap on the wrist. The difference? Multi-million dollars fines in the US to merely $4000-$5000 in Canada. 

also see atrazineOrganics/farming

THE PESTICIDE PUZZLE   A Look at Agricultural Chemicals (Real Ag series, 19 Dec 2023) 30 minute very interesting video giving a good introduction to pesticides.    It features a case study on atrazine by reknowned biologist Dr. Tyrone Hayes. PAN Senior Scientist, Marcia Ishii (PhD Ecology and Evolutionary Biology), shares her knowledge on the ecological, social and political dimensions of pesticides in food and agriculture. Rob Faux (Fox) speaks about the benefits of agroecological practices based on two decades of growing experience.

Pesticides 101- a primer  (PANNA, no date) see Legislation - Canada for the Canadian side of legislations.

Lawn Pesticide Facts and Figures (Beyond Pesticides Factsheet) link fixed

Subtle biological effects of pesticides & other environmental chemicals. Dr Warren Porter talk at University of Wisconsin. May 12, 2011. (video)

Myths About Pesticides  (PANNA, no date)

Facing Scientific Realities, Debunking the "Dose Makes the Poison" Myth: The big picture - linking pesticide science and health effects, by Warren Porter, Ph.D. (Pesticides and You. Vol 27, no 4, Winter 2007- 2008. Beyond Pesticides). Endocrine-disrupting substances have functional effects at very low doses; and the effects are often more severe at low doses. In general, low-dose mixtures of pesticides and/or other chemicals have also proven to be more toxic than expected from their individual toxicity.

 American Chemical Society — a non-partisan, non-profit organization chartered by Congress — called on the Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) to completely revamp its testing procedures for toxic chemicals. The position statement was specifically targeting chemicals that disrupt the human endocrine system that controls our hormonal function. Here is a link to the full statement from the Chemical Society.

Pesticides & Profit  (PANNA, several subsections with many documents)

Toxic Fraud: Deceptive Advertising by Pest Control Companies (Californians for Pesticide Reform)   

Challenging Risk Assessment (JPR/Volume 10, No. 1, Spring 1990) Several articles in this issue cover most aspects of risk assessment. (Scroll down to the issue and click on the issue name. Later the link will be on the cover.) link defective

Toxic fables: the advertising and marketing of agricultural chemicals in the great plains, 1945–1985 (WeedsNews4075 | November 29, 2012)  principally considers how marketing rhetoric and advertisement strategies used by chemical companies and aerial spraying firms influenced the practices and perspectives of farm producers in the Great Plains.

Glossary of Pesticide Terms: Legal and Standard Definitions  (JPR/Volume 9, No. 4, Winter 1989/1990, p 12)link defective

What Happens When Pesticides Are Degraded? A Guide to Terms and Processes (JPR/Volume 9, No. 4, Winter 1989/1990, p. 25) link defective

Pesticide Issues in Saskatchewan: A Primer by Paule Hjertaas. This article gives an overview of pesticide health effects and the pesticide situation in Saskatchewan and Canada. (June 2007)

Explore the PANNA site for other gems

Explore NCAP site for other gems such as all issues of the Journal of Pesticide Reform, reports, campaigns, education and more.

Explore the Beyond Pesticides sites for other gems such as searcheable daily news, issues and informationas well as past issues of their publication Pesticides and YouAccess the 2012 Forum playlist of videos from Healthy Communities, the 30th National Pesticide Forum, held March 30-31, 2012 at Yale University's School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. (Beyond Pesticides YouTube channel).

Pesticide Fact Sheets

Pesticide bylaws

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A Chemical Reaction – movie trailer  Scroll down to  Healthy Garden and Lawn careA Chemical Reaction is a movingdocumentary tracing the rise of the natural lawn care movement in Canada and the U.S., and the success Canadians — and a few U.S. communities — have had in reducing and eliminating cosmetic pesticide use. The National Coalition for Pesticide-Free Lawns, led by PAN Partner Beyond Pesticides, provides information on pesticides, safe pest-control how to's, links to local groups and organizing tools to help you get dangerous pesticides off your lawn and help others do the same. Buy the movie (scroll down, to the bottom right) from SafeLawns.org.

SNAP pesticide bylaws section