• Learn About Pesticides in Foods
  • Learn to Keep Insects Out of your Crops
  • Weeds Can Be Managed Without Chemical Pesticides
  • SNAP Tour of Organic Vegetable Garden
  • Learn To Manage Weeds Without Chemical Pesticides
  • SNAP Display at Event
  • Link to SK Organic Resources
  • Learn About Colony Collapse Disorder and How to Protect Bees
  • Driving Near Recently Sprayed Fields Exposes People to Pesticides
  • Learn to Manage Pests Naturally

Drug Interactions

Labor Drug Sensitizes Brain to Pesticide Injury (Duke University Press Release, March 30, 2004)

In addition, many other drugs may interact with pesticides. Every substance that gets into our bodies has to be processed by the liver and detoxified before being gotten rid of. There are only a few detoxification pathways in the liver. If the pathway necessary to detoxify a particular pesticide is already busy or overwhelmed with detoxifying a drug, it is no longer available to do its detoxification job for the pesticide. Pesticide poisoning from a 'norma'l exposure is more likely to occur under these circumstances.

There is a recorded case where the use of the drug Tagamet caused severe long-term neurological damage when the patient was exposed to a pesticide. It put the patient in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

However, it is very difficult to find a medical doctor that has the expertise to identify a case of neurotoxicity. Our medical system only looks at the symptoms or diseases, and rarely search for a cause or trigger outside of a drug approach.

 This situation was worsened by the fact that nobody in Canada was really collecting information on the negative health effects of pesticides or educating MDs about them. Until the new PCPA, even the PMRA did not collect information on adverse affects. Since 2007, medical doctors in Canada are finally allowed to get information on the other ingredients in pesticide formulations in case of health  emergency.

New study links common herbicides and antibiotic resistance  (University of Canterbury,October 12, 2018)    'A new study finds that bacteria develop antibiotic resistance up to 100,000 times faster when exposed to the world's most widely used herbicides, Roundup (glyphosate) and Kamba (dicamba) and antibiotics compared to without the herbicide.' Also filed under fact sheet/glyphosate