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also see glyphosate2,4-D, forestry/herbicide

B.C and New Brunswick Power company are now using triclopyr in the forest. When used by power companies, it is used under power lines. I don't know the frequency of use at this time. US documents indicate it is also used in roadside vegetation management. Triclopyr is a systemic herbicide. It affects actively growing plants by mimicking a specific type of plant growth hormone, known as an auxin, the same mechanism as 2,4-D,

Triclopyr, Butoxyethyl Ester (PAN Pesticide Database) I chose this form of triclopyr as it seems to be the most commonly registered in Canada.

SNAP Comment: As of 24 July 2023, 20 triclopyr products (under names such as Garlon, Release, Fencerow, Remedy, Element) are registered for use in Canada acording to the PMRA label search. The chemical is a potential water contaminant. It is NOT a cholinesterase inhibitor, is unclassifiable as to cancer, and insufficiently studied regarding acute toxicity, development or reproductive toxicant and endocrine disruptor. From the labels I checked, it seems to have first been registered in Canada in 1989. No data available for four routes fo exposure from the Symptoms of Exposure from the International Chemical Safety Card:Judging from the US total use (56,975 gross pounds), the likely reason it has not been scrutinized as much is its low use. 

Triclopyr is residual in plants for a while. Triclopyr residue may be found in edible plant parts; the maximum residue level in berries was reported at 2.4 ppm when harvested six days after treatment (Forest Service 1984). TCP residues have been detected in root crops follow- ing application of chlorpyrifos which also degrades to TCP (Chapman 1980). Triclopyr Herbicide Information Profile (USDA, November 1996)

Triclopyr Roadside Vegetation Management Herbicide Fact Sheet (Washington State Dept of Transportation, 2017)  refers to human exposure. 

Outcry grows as B.C. government agency plans widespread South Coast herbicide spray     The five-year Pest Management Plan, which covers Squamish to Hope, targets native hard woods and Indigenous medicines and food in efforts to increase lumber output. (by Charlie Carey, North Shore News, 24 march 2022)   'The proposed management plan would come into effect on April 1, 2022, and cover the Chilliwack and Sea to Sky Natural Resources District, including the traditional unceded territories of the Stó:lÅ, St’át’imc, Nlaka'pamux, xÊ·mÉ™θkÊ·É™yÌ“É™m (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and Tsleil-Waututh First Nations. The proposed plan is for five years, ending in 2027.    While the notice was printed in the local newspaper in Hope, along with the draft proposal available online, it does not include a map of specified locations where herbicides such as glyphosatetriclopyr (Garlon, Release) and 2,4-D (Formula 40) will be used.    The management plan highlights cottonwood, red alder, salmonberry, red elderberry, devil’s club, thimbleberry, salal, fireweed, huckleberry and blueberry as plants which will be targeted by the proposal. All of which, Rose said, Indigenous people have used as medicines and food for thousands of years.“Our rush to get rid of these, so called, competing species is making our forests more vulnerable to wildfire,”'  SNAP Comment: and tht is how you turn a forest into a plantation...