• Learn About Pesticides in Foods
  • Learn to Manage Pests Naturally
  • Link to SK Organic Resources
  • Learn About Colony Collapse Disorder and How to Protect Bees
  • SNAP Display at Event
  • Driving Near Recently Sprayed Fields Exposes People to Pesticides
  • Grow a Lush Garden Organically
  • SNAP Tour of Organic Vegetable Garden
  • Weeds Can Be Managed Without Chemical Pesticides
  • Learn To Manage Weeds Without Chemical Pesticides


Information specific to each province can be found below:


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also see Presentations and publications and same /media


Regina Executive council. EX23-47 Supplemental Report - Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides  Wednesday, May 31, 2023 9:00 AM Henry Baker Hall, Main Floor, City Hall, Regina. The item came to the agenda around 4:45 pm.  Includes delegations list and some of the presentations submitted in advance. SNAP comments on EX 23-47 Regulate the non-Essential use of Pesticides is in its entirety down the document under EX23-47 as well as a few others. All Regina Council meetings are on YouTube if anyone wants to watch. They are apparently all taped. waiting for the minutes to be published for final link. 

May 3, 2023: Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides     If you want to speak to Executive Committee on the 31st,  you must contact the Clerk’s office by Monday noon with your name, contact information and a brief statement of what you will speak on. You will have five minutes to present and then Councillors may ask questions. The link below provides information on how to make a request to the Clerk’s office and what is required from you:  https://www.regina.ca/city-government/city-council/council-meetings/   and, the Report and appendices on Regulation of Non-essential (Cosmetic) Pesticides     http://reginask.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_LegiFile.aspx?Frame=&MeetingID=5819&MediaPosition=&ID=9498&CssClass   Here is the link to the Supplemental report on City of Kelowna Pesticide Registry:     http://reginask.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_LegiFile.aspx?Frame=&MeetingID=5819&MediaPosition=&ID=9816&CssClass=

2022 Stadnichuk's Motion MN22-1 to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides. Stadnichuk's Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides.     SNAP presentationTo Regina City Council on Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides.     Elaine Ehman on behalf of bird Friendly City presentation to Regina City Council on Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides.     Our environment is critical to our health. What are we putting into it? Tanya Dahms presentation to Regina City Council on Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides
by Dr. Tanya E. S. Dahms, Professor, SK Lead, COVID-19 Resources Canada, UofR NSERC Leader, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry       Nature Regina presentation to Regina City Council on Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides by Gail Fennell.     Rob Wright presentation to Regina City Council on Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides      Sarah Valentine presentation to Regina City Council on Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides on behalf of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)  Phil Johnson submission to Regina City Council on Motion to Regulate the Non-essential (Cosmetic) Use of Pesticides   Regina city council discusses possible regulation, ban of cosmetic pesticide use   "I do not use pesticides in my own garden, in clients’ gardens, or in community-based projects. Pesticides create more harm than good, and simply are not needed."   (Jennifer Ackerman, Regina Leader Post,  City Hall, Mar 16, 2022) '  Among them was Paule Hjertaas, president and spokesperson of the Saskatchewan Network for Alternatives to Pesticides (SNAP).   Hjertaas founded SNAP after suffering what she called “severe” health issues related to pesticide exposure. It is this health condition that inspired her to become an advocate for alternatives to pesticides. “Councillor Stadnichuk’s motion is striking in that it does not question the effects of pesticides on wildlife, pets, people and the environment. It states them as facts,” she said to council. “It also builds on Regina’s current commitment to environmental sustainability, health, and well-being through its to Official Community Plan.”  Global TW interview with Councillor Stadnichuk and one of the delegates Phil Johnson    Opinion: No reasonable scenario to allow cosmetic pesticides in city   I would be hard pressed to imagine a scenario in which pesticides would be protecting our health or our safety, writes Tanya Dahms,   (Leader Post Letter to the editor by Tanya Dahms, Apr 13, 2022)  This powerful etter dispels misinformation about pesticides.  Here is a document link in case it disappears from the Leader Post web site. Tanya Dahms letter to editor of the Regina Leader Post. Trevor Herriot op-ed in support of pesticide regulation

City of Regina Pests and Wildlife page (2021)  Learn about invasive pests and how to keep them under control without compromising the health of our ecosystems. Learn what the city does and what you can do for many issues. Regina does not have a pesticide bylaw but these efforts are a step in the right direction.

Pesticide Use in Parks and Open Space report by the city of Regina in response to the recommendations of Regina Environment Advisory Committee and the Public Works Committee. (March 2, 2013) Report Appendices cannot be linked,  Pesticide Industry Form Letter Sent to Mayor and council   SNAP-Response to Pesticide Use in Parks and Open Space report (presented and submitted March 7, 2013 to the City of  Regina Public Works committee.)

The Need for a Pesticide Bylaw in Regina SNAP presentation to the City of Regina Environmental Committee on 28 June 2012. I was asked to send the presentation to the committee members following the meeting. Here is the cover letter. The Need for a Pesticide Bylaw in Regina I sent with it, debunking industry statements. 

SNAP's Presentation to the Public Works committee on recommendations of the environmental committee on pesticides. (17 July 2012) and the Cover letter debunking more of industry's statements to the committee.. Regina Environment Advisory Committee recommendations: no bylaw at this time but serious public education and  city reduction program. Presentation to the Regina Environmental Committee by Al Taylor focuses on health effect and organizational support for a ban.

The Need for a Pesticide Reduction Bylaw in Urban Settings  A Policy Proposal for Regina. Prepared by Pascal Bongyu, B.Sc., MPH Candidate for the Saskatchewan Environmental Society (SES), Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), Lung Association of Saskatchewan (LAS)

Comments on: A Report on Pesticides (prepared by the city of Regina) by Regina Urban Environmental Advisory Council (RUEAC), one of the city committees; October 21, 2002

At one of the following Parks and Recreation Committee hearing, RUEAC expressed strong disappointment that city personnel did not heed any of their comments for inclusion into the final report.

Prince Albert

not a bylaw at this point, but a step forward:  City to Examine Alternatives to Pesticides for weed control. (PA Herald, 3 October 2018)  City to examine alternatives to pesticidesprint  "When local resident Estelle Hjertaas saw MIller's motion on the agenda, she signed up to address Council."PA- Council Resolution to Examine Alternatives to Pesticides Estelle's Pesticide Presentation to PA City Council 


SNAP Comments to Saskatoon City Council meeting about a Phase-out Plan for the cosmetic use of pesticides; June 27, 2005;Sent to the City Clerk's office 

Saskatoon bylaw debate is moot (or irrelevant)

Links to SK legislation  and SNAP's presentations and publications


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Pesticide Free Edmonton
a group working to get a pesticide bylaw in Edmonton. Interesting Facebook page. and web page at Pesticide-Free Edmonton Working Group hosted by the Council of Canadians- Edmonton chapter


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You may have to scroll down the page for older news. 

BC Pesticide Committee's Report appears to have an unhealthy bias (May 24, 2012)  A vast majority of British Columbia residents support a cosmetic pesticide ban. Many independent medical doctors and scientists also support a ban (at least those not remunerated by the pesticide industry). Furthermore, the Canadian Cancer Society in British Columbia believes a cosmetic pesticide ban is the right thing to enact. But yet the Pesticide Committee of British Columbia has written a report favoring the pesticide industry rhetoric. How could the Pesticide Committee get it so wrong?  Dr. Warren Bell, a prominent medical doctor, believes that the Report appears to be worded with a pro-pesticide industry bias  To read Dr. Warren Bell's open letter on the Report, please click here

Majority of British Columbians support a pesticide ban, whether politically left or right (April 5, 2012)  Support for a ban amounted to 71% (NDP) , 70% (Liberal) and 69% (Conservative) leaning voters, according to a new survey conducted for the Canadian Cancer Society.

Gideon Forman, executive director of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment states:"For the first time in B.C. there is all-party support for a ban, Such a consensus across political lines is rare. It's an interesting social phenomenon."

Furthermore, Kathryn Seely, director of public issues for the Canadian Cancer Society, stated that her organization has long supported a province-wide ban on cosmetic pesticide use. "Two-thirds of Metro Vancouver residents and 76 per cent of families with children support the ban." For additional information, (Vancouver Sun)

88% of British Columbians show support for a cosmetic lawn pesticide ban (July 27, 2010) More than 8,000 comments, signatures on petitions or submissions were received between December 2009 and the end of February 2010 in response to the BC Ministry of the Environment's request for comments on the cosmetic use of pesticides in British Columbia. For more information, please click here.

Coquitlam, BC, implements a ban on the cosmetic use of pesticides (April 23, 2012) With a strong 7-2 majority City council vote, Coquitlam now joins the 170+ other Canadian municipalities that protect citizens from the harmful use of cosmetic lawn pesticides. The Canadian Cancer Society of the Greater Vancouver region stated about the ban: "research has linked chemical pesticide exposure with an increased risk of both childhood and adult cancers."    For more information, read the Cancer Society's letter and a Tri-City News article.

April 2009   BC Health and Environmental Powerhouses Call for Cosmetic Pesticide Ban as Election Campaign Ramps Up

Pesticide Free BC


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'Unnecessary and avoidable threat': Calls to keep cosmetic pesticide ban in place (Manitoba, CTV news June 28, 2022)    Over 30 health and environmental organizations are calling on the province to keep the cosmetic pesticide ban in place.    The bill is set to come to a vote in the Legislature this fall.

Manitoba's plan to amend cosmetic pesticide legislation receives thumbs-up from associations    Substantial savings for municipalities, says AMM president  (Nathan Liewicki, CBC News, March 14, 2022)   'He says the decision to rely on the Health Canada Pest Management Regulation Agency (PMRA) will protect the health of the province's citizens and its landscapes...The legislation would allow the use of Health Canada-approved cosmetic pesticides in low-risk areas like boulevards, sidewalks, rights-of-way and fairgrounds.  "I do think it's a step back. I think it's a step back for climate change," Naylor said. "I don't think that any Manitobans want more chemicals in our water and in our air."'   Proposed changes to pesticide law could leave lawn care businesses scrambling   (By Danton Unger, CTVNewsWinnipeg.ca Editorial Producer, March 14, 2022)   SNAP Comments: supporters of pesticide use such as the Manitoba Nursery Landscape Association akways fight pesticide bylaws .Certainly, relying on the PMRA isn't even close to protect the healh of anything. I suspect that all pesticide use on sidewalks, streets, rights-of-way , gravel areas including parking can be easily replaced with steam weeding. More info at weeds. Weeds are best fought with cultural methods of improving soil quality. Manitoba lawn care companies seemingly fail in this regards.

Proposed Pesticide Ban in Manitoba Charges Forward, Public Input Sought (Beyond Pesticides, September 27, 2012) Manitoba will likely join the majority of Canada’s provinces in banning cosmetic pesticides next year, according to Conservation Minister Gord Mackintosh. The minister made his announcement on Monday after a coalition of health and environment groups, Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Manitoba, delivered a letter with over 1,000 signatories that calls on the government to ban the sale and use of cosmetic pesticides

Environmental and health associations letter of support for a MB pesticide ban (Ecojustice)


New Brunswick

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Nova Scotia

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Bill 61: Non-essential Pesticides Control Act

The NS government press release here: (May 4, 2010). The legislation will prohibit the sale and use of lawn pesticides in April 2011 and pesticides for ornamental shrubs, trees and gardens in April 2012, subject to a "permitted list". 



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You may have to scroll down a linked page for older news content. 

Pesticides (home lawns and gardens) Ontario government web site about pesticides that can be sold and used for cosmetic purposes in lawns and gardens, how to properly dispose of pesticides, and report the illegal use of banned products. Also links to Ontario Pesticides Act and regulations. ( added March 2022)

Ontario government passes strong regulations supporting the Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Act  (March 4, 2009) Scroll down to the date.

New Canadian Regulations Prohibit 85 Lawn and Garden Pesticides  (Beyond Pesticides, March 4, 2009 Posted in 2,4-D, Glyphosate, Home Depot, Imidacloprid, International, Lawns/Landscapes, Permethrin, Pyrethrin, Triclopyr, clopyralid

Pesticide-free Ontario  pesticidefree.ca site under revision-Jan 2013

On April 22, 2009, Earth Day, the Ontario Government introduced Bill 64 - "The Cosmetic Pesticide Ban Act, 2009" - that will implement a province-wide ban on the cosmetic use and sale of lawn and garden pesticides. Bill 64 - Clause by Clause Review (June 16th) LINK DOES NOT WORK October 2012

Ontario’s Pesticide Law Passes, Weakens Protections in Some Municipalities ( Beyond Pesticides news, June 24, 2008) In effect, Ontario passed a preemption law: see Preemption factsheet (Beyond Pesticides) The seriousness of this point is discussed abundantly in the Clause by Clause Review above.

Subsection 7.1(5) of the Pesticides Act is the one dealing with municipalities not having the right to have stronger legislation than the province. SNAP was surprised that the Supreme Court’s Hudson decision did not apply in Ontario. This is what Ms Lisa Gue (David Suzuli Foundation) answered:  “In Hudson, the Supreme Court ruled on municipal powers under the Municipal Act. As a technicalities, the Municipal Act in Ontario has not been changed, so cities still have the authority to adopt pesticide bylaws. However, this new Act renders them inoperative. We had supported an amendment to strike this provision from the bill, but the government did not accept the amendment.” 

Prince Edward Island

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Charlottetown bans use of cosmetic pesticides  (By Brian Higgins, CBC News, 11 July 2016) The new bylaw goes into effect on January 1, 2017. The new bylaw is based on similar bans in Cornwall and Stratford. It bans the use of non-domestic pesticides on any residential or commercial property in the town with some exceptions such as golf courses, agriculture use or public utilities land.


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Montreal becomes first Canadian jurisdiction to ban glyphosate  (Marian Scott, Montreal Gazette, August 23, 2021)

Montreal wants to ban use of herbicide glyphosate, calling it a public health issue  'Failing to act would be irresponsible,' says Coun. Laurence Lavigne-Lalonde  (CBC News, Sep 05, 2019)