• Learn to Keep Insects Out of your Crops
  • SNAP Tour of Organic Vegetable Garden
  • LIving Near Fields Increases Pesticide Exposure
  • Learn To Manage Weeds Without Chemical Pesticides
  • Learn About Colony Collapse Disorder and How to Protect Bees
  • SNAP Display at Event
  • Grow a Lush Garden Organically
  • Weeds Can Be Managed Without Chemical Pesticides
  • Driving Near Recently Sprayed Fields Exposes People to Pesticides
  • Learn About Pesticides in Foods


Organic Gardening site and magazine. Rodale Press publications

Canadian Society for Organic Urban Land Care  "SOUL is the hub for organic land care accreditation, news and resources. SOUL was formed in response to the growing need for ecologically responsible land care practices. We cultivate knowledge of organic land care and support its practice."

Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management  from NY State Agricultural Experimental Station at Cornell University.  Materials Fact Sheets for 13 categories of pesticide products commonly used by organic growers. Fills in the blanks on products’ labels and ads. Some products may not be registered in Canada.  Free access 

Applied Bionomics - leaders in Biological Pest Control. Victoria, BC. will send me info on Saskatchewan suppliers. Lots of good info on crops, pests and beneficials. 

ThermaPureHeat (U.S.)  Environmentally safe bug and mold control with heat. 1-888-HEAT-MOLD 

  • Water Damage Recovery (removes mold and microbials)
  • Pest control services (bed bugs, cockroaches, termites, rodents, beetles, dust mites)
  • Thermal cure for ‘Sick Buildings’ (outgasses and destroys odors)

VERY POSITIVE REVIEW in  IPM Practitioner vol XXVIII, no 5/6; May/June 2006 (subscription or purchase of issues information on http://www.birc.org/)

Home Owners

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Organic Gardening class notes prepared by Paule Hertaas, SNAP.

SNAP organic page

The environmental factor inc.; organic lawn care and products

The Eco Bug Doctor  located in Montreal; natural insect control


also see Beyond Pesticides, NCAP/Solutions and

Panna        quick guide - specific home pest solutions
Testing for pesticides (Science/ Grassroots science)                                                                    Health problems associated with pesticides

EPA GreenScapes program promotes “cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly solutions for landscaping” for home owners and large scale landscapes

Grassroots Environmental Education

Read Your “Weeds” – A Simple Guide to Creating a Healthy Lawn  from the National Coalition for Pesticide Free Lawns   released a new spring lawn care factsheet emphasizing a new approach to understanding non-chemical lawn care

Beyond Pesticides’ Lawn Care page for least-toxic control of weeds and prevention of weeds.(Beyond Pesticides)  

Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management from NY State Agricultural Experimental Station at Cornell University. Materials Fact Sheets for 13 categories of pesticide products commonly used by organic growers. Fills in the blanks on products’ labels and ads. Some products may not be registered in Canada.  Free access 

Safe Lawns Campaign. Educational material, award-winning video: "Making the Organic Transition in Lawn Care." Also 2007 published Organic Lawn Care Manual.


Ground Squirrel control
Lee's Trapworks     Better Gopher Trap made in Saskatchewan. Guillotine type trap considered humane by the SPCA and the Veterinary College at U ofS   http://www.leestrapworks.com/

"Mole Chaser" I have not tried it but it was recommended. - currently under construction  http://www.outdoordecor.com/product_detail.asp?item=NMQ11015&SSAID=186463 






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Canadian Organic Growers - Cyberhelp for Organic Farmers – Canadian Organic Growers           tel: 613-216-0741 or 1-888-375-7383

Landscapers and pest control

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Organic Land Care Training for Municipal Officials or Transitioning Landscapers developed by Paule Hertaas for the Green Trades Association conference in November 2010.

Organic Land care training - certificates and diplomas in organic land care from Gaia College, B.C



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Grazing with goats. thebigcrunchgrazing.com    before and after Saskatchewan projects   Contact info on the web site.  2023 Regina Leader Post article abouth them: Meet the goats: Regina's newest weed control comes from Elbow, Sask.

Forevergreen Landscaping, B.C. Canada. Sells a range of infrared eco-weeder from models for home-owners for cracks or dandelions to models up to 16 feet across to be used by municipalities and farmers. More effective when weeds are small. May have to be redone a few times.

Propane weeders also available from other companies. They are effective, but tend to use more fuel.

Steam 'N' Weeds  A Canadian company based in Waiwright, Alberta, utilizing patented Satusteam™ technology

Weedingtech Foamstream equipment. International company. Canadian distributor at Turfcare

Aquacide commercial steam weeder. for large scale use. May no longer be sold in Canada

Ecological Services is a US company owned by Lani Malmberg that specializes in using goats for weed control. The site is very informative and includes lists of weeds controlled by goats as well as training opportunities.

SNAP alternative to pesticide-free weed products


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HerbaNatur Inc  (serves Canada and US) Montreal company offering natural eco-friendly solutions and prevention practices to efficiently control noxious and invasive weeds, especially the Common Ragweed which causes allergies and asthma in many. 1. Control of noxious weeds that affect directly the public health. 2. Control of invasive vegetation. 3. Domestic Eco-friendly lawn care control. Methods developed and tested over the last decade with the collaboration of McGill University and other scientific leaders, eco-friendly solutions in order to control efficiently noxious and invasive weeds. Based on herbicidal properties of salt.

Organic Green Pros is the US’s preeminent consulting firm for the sustainable lawn and landscape industry. Our clients in the United States and Canada include municipalities, lawn and landscape companies, the federal government, businesses, homeowners and advocacy organizations who share a common goal of growing and maintaining safe, affordable natural beauty outdoors.