• Learn About Pesticides in Foods
  • Learn To Manage Weeds Without Chemical Pesticides
  • Driving Near Recently Sprayed Fields Exposes People to Pesticides
  • Grow a Lush Garden Organically
  • LIving Near Fields Increases Pesticide Exposure
  • Link to SK Organic Resources
  • SNAP Display at Event
  • Learn About Colony Collapse Disorder and How to Protect Bees
  • Learn to Keep Insects Out of your Crops
  • Weeds Can Be Managed Without Chemical Pesticides


The Top Ten Reasons To Go Organic

originally from the Organic Landscape Alliance (OLA Spring Newsletter 2005)  (no longer on line)

It's good for business
According to Agriculture Canada, the organic sector is a small but rapidly growing sector of the industry. OLA members have reported upwards of 30% growth in business over the past year and we have new members joining our association all the time.

It responds to growing consumer demand
OLA currently fields requests from all over Canada about organic lawn- and garden care. With many municipalities considering phase-outs on pesticide use it can be expected that consumers will be turning to industry for help. With this increasing demand, opportunities for business are tremendous.

You will have satisfied customers
Our members have very satisfied customers. They don't have to worry about their neighbours complaining about spray drift and the chemical smell. With lawns and gardens that look like this, your customers cannot help but be happy.

You will have happy workers
Your staff will not ahve to worry about protective equipment, exposures, special insurance or expensive licencing courses. And your employees can rest easy that they are doing something that is great for the plants and our planet.

It is healthier for the plants and the garden
Organic lawn-care and landscaping focuses on plant health. This means that our service providers will carefully select the plants to suit your particular micro-climate as well as the overall zone. You will achieve a thriving and self-sustainable landscape.

It helps create sustainable landscapes
By switching your business to an organic one you will be joining a network of organizations that are working towards a more sustainable way of living. Good cultural practices that create healthy, fertile soils will ensure the longevity of these lands for future generaltions to enjoy and use. It is less resource intensive. Organic methods rely upon good cultural practices and recycle resources such as compost back into the system. Careful selection of appropriate plant species also means less of a demand on water resources. 

It does not contribute to air, ground and water pollution
By eliminating the use of chemical pesticides in your business, you will ensure that the air, soil and groundwater in the vicinity will not be contaminated as a result of your business actions.

It encourages governments to respond with more appropriate legislation
It could be said that governments react to trends and to the demands of business and consumers. As more organizations switch or take up the organic cause, governments will be forced to re-consider regulations and work towards distinguishing organic products from the harmful chemical pesticides we are rejecting. Collectively our voice has to be heard so that we can get the products that we need to do our work while eliminating, or at least greatly regulating those that cause havoc to our environment.

It helps develop a growing organic industry                                                                                                                          According to the OrganicTrade Association, an organization that spans North America, 43% of the population are using at least some type of organic product. Users of these products are more concerned about pollution and the environment than the general population. Organic users and the general population are moving into closer alignment as organic products move into the mainstream consciousness.