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Working on a group project to stop our school from using cosmetic pesticides

Group project to stop our school from using cosmetic pesticides

 We are working on a group project to stop our school from using cosmetic pesticides. We wanted to know if you would be willing to do a short virtual presentation for our class, so we can learn more about the work that your organization is doing. Our plan is to send a letter to the school division to ask them to stop using pesticides here.

Answer: Thank  you for contacting me, . Yes, I know your teacher. What grade are you in?  How long are you thinking about? 

As I don't know what grade you are in, I am linking some relevant parts of SNAP's web site if you are interested in checking it. I hope it is not too complicated. Lots of words, not too many illustrations!  It might give you an idea of what que stions to ask the school board. 

i'll give you a bit of homework though. 

1. do you know what the school board uses on your school property? Grant School is public school, right? so that would be the public school board. I suggest you contact them first and ask what is used, when and how much. You would probably have to talk to someone in maintenance or school grounds.

2. Both school boards had representatives on the Integrated Pest Management Committee (IPM) that the city set up between 2003-2007. Unfortunately, not much pesticide reduction came out of it as far as the city was concerned but no other organization/group on the committee made their use public. 

As a result,I would not be able to tell you how much the public school board has reduced pesticide use, if at all. Information of IPM at https://www.snapinfo.ca/issues/integrated-pest-management-ipm

3. the city has significantly reduced its pesticide use by better aerating, mowing and fertilizing and hopefully soil testing to correct nutrient deficiencies. That's for lawns. 

Another large use of pesticides in many areas is playgrounds, gravel areas including parking lots and hard surfaces like sidewalks and roads. Often glyphosate is used on these areas. Some natural alternatives are vinegar formulations and steam. I don't know what the school board is currently using but it may be vinegar. You should find out.  Information on alternatives at https://www.snapinfo.ca/info/alternatives-to-pesticides . Look on the left column for the different types like insects or weeds. and https://www.snapinfo.ca/issues/lawn-turf

4. Ask your teacher to check, but I seem to remember a teacher at your school having started a native plant garden. Unfortunately, it was all sprayed before school started the next year and everyone involved was very disappointed. Perhaps that's something that could be brought back. but make sure that whoever is in charge of maintaining the grounds knows it!

5. You should talk to the school janitor. I don't know about your school, but at Campbell Collegiate, he was still using Raid (pyrethrin-based) or such product for insects. Many people are sickened by it, and it would likely be used within the school. Another way to handle pests indoors is with a vacuum cleaner and making sure that all cracks and entry points are filled, traps... Find out how often and why he uses Raid or another insecticide so I could find some alternatives.