• Link to SK Organic Resources
  • Learn to Keep Insects Out of your Crops
  • Learn About Pesticides in Foods
  • SNAP Tour of Organic Vegetable Garden
  • Driving Near Recently Sprayed Fields Exposes People to Pesticides
  • Grow a Lush Garden Organically
  • Learn About Colony Collapse Disorder and How to Protect Bees
  • Weeds Can Be Managed Without Chemical Pesticides
  • Learn To Manage Weeds Without Chemical Pesticides
  • Learn to Manage Pests Naturally


Pesticide-free services

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Prairie River Gardens do design, installation and maintenance of gardens

Lichen Nature Design and Education apparently as busy as she needs at present.


Phil Johnson Organic Gardening, from Regina, also offers organic gardening programs as well as consulting services

NCAP: Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides video channel 

NCAP's Pest Management Guide full of resources for identification of plant diseases, insects and weeds, management inclding alternatives and much more. Tailored ot the US NorthWest but much information is applicable elsewhere. 

Phil Johnson Organic Gardening, from Regina, also offers organic gardening programs as well as consulting services

City of Regina Pests and Wildlife page (2021)  Learn about invasive pests and how to keep them under control without compromising the health of our ecosystems. Learn what the city does and what you can do for many issues. Regina does not have a pesticide bylaw but these efforts are a step in the right direction.

Winter House Guests (NCAP)   includes rodents, seed bugs, ladybugs, and natural pest repellents.

Wildlife rehab centre wants ban on pigeon control products  Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation director Jan Shadick is calling for the ban after a sharp spike in cases of apparently-poisoned pigeons. (Alex MacPherson, Saskatoon Star Phoenix, May 3, 2019)  'In 2016, the federal government granted “continued registration” of products containing 4-aminopyridine for use on birds, including “feral pigeons.” At the time, the only such products available were all manufactured and sold under the name Avitrol...While Avitrol is legal to use in Canada, some municipalities in the country have opted to cease using it. The cities of Red Deer and Halifax have both committed to no longer using Avitrol. It is also banned in New York and San Francisco.'. A good resource is Pigeon Control Resource Center Independent solutions for Pigeon Control problems 

Guide pratique des trucs et conseils en horticulture écologique (Equiterre, from Quebec, added in June 2018)Les conseils qui suivent concernent certains des problèmes les plus courants en horticulture. Contrairement aux pesticides, vous pouvez en faire usage sans modération! Rappelez-vous que la prévention et l’adaptation à l’environnement sont les principaux alliés de la pratique horticole écologique.SNAP NOTE: In French. deals with alternatives to pesticides for lawns, several insects, and a few weeds such as poison ivy (herbe a puces), dandelions (pissenlit) and herbe a poux (ragweed).

Water is the Connection: Managing Pesticide Risk for Salmon Recovery
A Guide for Willamette Valley Farmers
  (NCAP, June 2017)  This publication is designed to help pesticide applicators, especially in agriculture, learn about salmon in the Willamette Basin and the pesticides that are harmful to salmon or their food sources. Pesticide label language that indicates potential for aquatic contamination is explained. Voluntary Best Management Practices (BMPs) to minimize pesticide risk to aquatic habitats are included. Pesticide applicators can choose among these BMPs to reduce the risk of harming salmon. SNAP Comment: Most of the pesticides discussed here are also used in Saskatchewan and the risk to aquatic environments and other fish species is likely similar. With only 1 provincial  and 2 federal pesticide inspectors in Saskatchewan, most misuse is never reported, and even less prosecuted. The importance of this report is in presenting sucessful alternatives to pesticides.

The NOFA Organic Lawn Care Guide  Now Available as a Free PDF!  Read the entire Organic Lawn care guide for free at http://ctnofa.org/Documents/book_FINAL_OPT.pdf and get the Organic Fertilizer Fact sheet at http://www.organiclandcare.net/sites/default/files/organicfertilizerfactsheet-opt.pdf     SNAP Comment: covers soil, fertilizers, organic practices, weed, disease and insect control.

Sustainable Places Information Network  (a new NCAP page) including  Alternatives in Action videos. US produced. some products may not be available in Canada. D.I.Y. Pest Control   

ManageSafe  Least-Toxic Control of Pests in the Home and Garden (Beyond Pesticides)

Organic Land Care Training for Municipal Officials or Transitioning Landscapers prepared by Paule Hjertaas, SNAP

Organic Gardening class notes and Tips to Garden Organically prepared by Paule Hjertaas, SNAP. The Power Point presentation deals with many individual pests such as aphids, wasps and others in point form.

Biorationals: Ecological Pest Management Database with product information for specific weed, insect, disease, vertebrate (mammals and birds), mollusk management. US site therefore not all products may be available in Canada.

Encyclopedic collection of non-toxic methods on handling crop/insect problems all over the world (including Canada) (Pesticide Action Network (PAN) - Germany). Access an amazing collection of homemade plant mixture remedies on the control map page under the heading "Plants in pest control".

Today I came across the site of the Invasive Species Centre in Sault Sainte-Marie, Ontario. There is mention of chemical control of many species but usually in the form of painting a cut trunk or wicking in small areas. In the fact sheets I looked at, there were other more effective methods. There is extensive information of each species and extensive information of all control methods previously tried including biological. (invasive fish and invertebrates, aquatic plants, plants, insects, pathogens)

Alternatives in SNAP's Links section

There are also excellent alternatives sites SNAP links to (NCAP and Beyond Pesticides) with great search capabilities and detailed information. PANNA' s Home, Pets & Garden section also presents detailed alternative solutions to the following problems: ants, cockroaches, fleas, flies, lice, ticks, mice and rats, spiders, wasps, etc

Natural Insect Control (Ontario): insect ,mammal and bird traps, parasites and predators for most indoor and outdoors pest problems; bee condos; natural fertilizers including corn gluten for weeds; books; Reemay row cover; Safer’s soap products; Bt H-14 for mosquitoes, bird feeders, houses, and accessories. Look at their catalog through shop on-line for solutions tailored to your problem.  Also Ask the Bugs newsletter, or phone them for advice at 1-905-382-2904

Asking for pesticide alternatives products in SK

SNAP's retailer survey prepared in 2007. List of licensed reduced-risk products available in Canada. At that time, neem products were not registered in Canada as a pesticides, only as a leaf shine.

Organic mulches give soil grounds for fertility. Some control weeds better than others.

Sask Agriculture' s organic crop information (2012)