Weeds can be managed in a non-toxic way.
more on weed control at Resource links/weeds, and Lawn/Turf
Elements of Organic Gardening, the Prince of Wales new book illustrates how he maintains 15 acres of immaculate ornamental and vegetable gardens on his Gloucestershire estate, Highgrove. While Prince Charles’s book is available in the United States, there is a two-year waiting list for the public to view Highgrove estate. To join the waiting list, write to the Clarence House Press Office, London SW1A 1BA, England. This book is available through the Regina Public Library.
Many resources in the notes of SNAP's Organic Gardening Class and Organic Land Care Training for Municipal Officials or Transitioning Landscapers class.
Grazing with goats for vegetation and weed management. thebigcrunchgrazing.com before and after Saskatchewan projects Contact info on the web site. 2023 Regina Leader Post article abouth them: Meet the goats: Regina's newest weed control comes from Elbow, Sask.
Saskatchewan Invasive Plant Species Identification Guide - 2nd Edition Designed for forage producers. Good identification guide with descriptions and photos.Also gives a visual with graphics of control methods. SNAP disagrees with what seems like exclusive chemical control methods. For instance, wormwood is easy to pull when small and may not spread much if not let go to seed.
Could robot weedkillers replace the need for pesticides? (The Guardian, 20 July 2024)Two types of robots are being developed, to cut weeds in monoculture fields, or spray them. Discusses the dangers of pesticides and presents companie developing the technology.
Non-Toxic Ways to Deal with Weeds in the Lawn and Garden (Toxic-free Future) Generally good article includes sections on moss, invasives and mulching. I would like to add the use of infrared or steam weeders for hard and gravel surfaces, sources of which are presented in Resources. alternatives/weeding and also on this page.
Today I came across the site of the Invasive Species Centre in Sault Sainte-Marie, Ontario. There is mention of chemical control of many species but usually in the form of painting a cut trunk or wicking in small areas. In the fact sheets I looked at, there were other more effective methods. There is extensive information of each species and extensive information of all control methods previously tried including biological. Lo and behold, I have been trying to find a source of biological beetle control for Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and found it on their fact sheet. Also info on European buckthorn and several other invasive plants, as well as invasive insects, fish and invertebrates, aquatic plants and pathogens.
Integrated Weed Management: Biological Control Options (SK Prairie Conservation Action Plan -PCAP) 40 minute Youtube video. Speaker: Sheena McInnes, Frenchman - Wood River Weed Management Area and SODCAP Presentation summary: The presentation will be mostly a video introduction of two grazing experts speaking on using cows and goats to control weeds. Lee Sexton started with sheep but found goats more effective and acceptable to SK cattle producers for integrated weed management as they mostly don't eat grass. Lee mentions Leafy Spurge control. He assesses the site and can train his goats to eat the target weeds. sextongc@icloud.ca Ralph Corcoran is a trained in holistic manager with cattle and is using the approach to rehabilitate the pastures on his farm. He has had success with controlling absinthe, burdock, thstle and even some leafy spurge by intensively grazing at the right time and rotation. Sheep or goat following cattle work good on Leafy Spurge. "With small paddocks, you can fix one problem at a time. it really works well." Stop the overgrazing. rlcorcoran@sasktel.net Speakers phoen numbers provided in presentation. www.holisticmanagement.ca
An overview of the Alberta Invasive Species Council and their biocontrol release program in Alberta ( PCAP- Prairie Conservation Action Plan- presentation. March 2, 2022) 54 minute video available on PCAP's you tube channel. Review of what invasive species are and details on weed bio-control programs especially Leafy Spurge. Dalmatian Toadflax, and Knapweeds. Their March 2022 conference will have a speaker presenting on biocontrol of Tansy and Ox-Eye Daisy. The Alberta Invasive Species Council have lots of resources including photo fact sheets for all species classified as invasive in Alberta and their biocontrol program. Links to free EDDMapS (Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System) Pro app and EDDMapS app (citizen-science-based).from Bugwood Apps in Alberta. Data submitted through the EDDMapS Pro app can be summarized and used to inform future prioritization and management strategies, more effectively utilizing limited resources.
Flying Blind in Weed Control (by Margaret Wilson, Rodale Press, 10 December 2020) 'Learn from the experts at Rodale Institute why blind cultivation may be the answer to getting ahead of weeds on your farm.'
The Detox Project supports alternative non chemical weed control such as RootWave (electrical) and FoamStream.
Machine controls weeds with steam (By Robin Booker, Western Producer, July 4, 2019) “The X-Steam-inator is 100 percent steam, there is no chemical whatsoever in it,” said Ron Gleim, founder of X-Steam-inator.'
Steam 'N' Weeds A Canadian company based in Waiwright, Alberta, utilizing patented Satusteam™ technology.
Weedtechnics: a new source for steamweeding equipment. The previous ones had disappearedand I have been looking for a new company for years! The company is located in Australia but the steam-weeding equipment has a Canadian patent as well. Products are made in USA and Australia. The city of St-Albert near Edmonton is moving to their Satusteam Weed Control steamer instead of Roundup/glyphosate. It has other uses as well. link to their electric steamer. There are also several other models. .For some reason the links in the main page don't work but clicking on the "products' link at the bottom of the page in the dark gray section gets you to the products.
Weedingtech Foamstream equipment. International company. Canadian distributor at Turfcare. The Foamstream has been used by the City of Prince Albert.
Why Organic lawn Care is so Important: Organic Gardening. US source. Some of the products allowed on lawns in the US are different than in Canada, although is is hard to tell as Canadian regulators have not been able to produce a list of domestic products for many years.
Solutions for Weeds, Lawns and Landscaping Information on how to effectively prevent weed problems in your lawn, flower beds and shrub beds, and ecological approaches for managing existing weed problems. (NCAP)
Professional Toolbox Non-Herbicidal Weed Control Strategies
Ecological Management of Problem Vegetation (aka. "Invasive Weeds") Resources (Beyond Pesticides)
The Weed's News is a place to hear the latest about weed research and share information about weed controlling and/or preventing.
Pesticide Publications - including how to (SES)
- Dandelion Fact Sheet
- If you can’t beat ‘em, eat ‘em: Dandelion Recipes
- Brochure Ants Dandelion
- 10 Steps to a Healthy Lawn Fact Sheet
- Fact sheet Bellflower
- Fact Sheet Creeping Charlie
- Fact Sheet Fairy Rings
- Fact Sheet Problem Plants Garden
- Factsheet Quackgrass Chickweed
Iron-based herbicides (FeHEDTA/Fiesta)
- The Weed Man is currently using this product in their natural lawn care. Examining the information below, SNAP does NOT recommend this product at present.
- Fiesta/FeHEDTA: Not a Recommended for HRM. (Comments submitted by Real Alternatives to Toxins to the Environment (RATE). April, 2011 Halifax). Product risks would seem to be a blend of ‘unknown or undetermined’ and ‘known and definitely worrisome.’
- Fiesta/FeHEDTA Letter from theĀ Canadian Cancer Society - Nova Scotia against the product. which "contains at least two other ingredients of potential concern. The hazardous materials, according to the Material Safety Data sheet, are sodium nitrate and Nitrilotriacetic acid, or NTA.The MSDS for NTA also warns of potential carcinogenic effects, and that 'the substance may be toxic to kidneys. Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organ damage'.”
- Canadian Hemochromatosis Society letter against the product. " Over exposure to Iron is toxic."
- Recommendation that Halifax Regional Council approve in principle the addition of FeHEDTA for weed control. This includes the PMRA approval decision as well as the label information.